Hey guys, I know this is lame&gay and all but I want to at least say goodbye before I fuck off forever so here's my goodbye msg to yall:
Goodbye anna. Please take care and don't get killed/raped/send bank account details to someone claiming to be a nigerian prince.
Thanks Omie Jay and Silver Persian for >9000 reps. Top quality posters in every way.
Meliz, keep on keepin on Mila Kunis. And if one day SP succeeds in seducing omie away from you then you know you can msg me for a shoulder to cry on and strong arms to hold you Mila. I mean Meliz.
Zombie, my dream man. I know you are full of sugar and spice and all things nice inside even though you claim to ruin people's lives and make them cry. Take care of your sexy arse.
Hey kaz, this place wouldn't be the same without a nigger screaming in every post.
Sino. Just fucking win, okay.
Shadow, thanks for the sig and the lols.
Lonelycunt. Stop being a cunt. Then maybe you wouldn't be so lonely anymore.
Last but not least b00m m8, I think I'll miss you the most for some reason.

I think you're the kind of guy I would really get along with irl.
Take care b00m.
:') Bye bye