WOW! :O new H&A BOSers posting.
The new credits\opening theme rock. It suits the show it's new direct and have just moderned it up. People are to attached to the old one, they have to move on someday otherwise it gets to repetative and boring. I for one like it very much updated.
And bringing back the 'old' H&A logo. Well I don't really think it's the old logo and even if it is well simply a case of mixing the old with the new.
What an emotionally charged episode, certainly worth all the hype. I wonder if any H&A BOSers missed it, better not of

As for Rocco well he didn't want to kill Sally he was ordered to by Johny and you have to remember to the fact that Rocco lived under Sally's roof and had Sally help him out a lot so for him to go and stab her was of course as we know the ultiment protrayal and the hardest thing he had done so justing doing the stab that he did would of been hard. Also it was at a school, public grounds so he didn't want to take to long and because it's TV and it's on at 7pm so that can't be on.
Kit has certainly come a long way is it just me or is her accent a little different or I just noticed it more, either way I like it. Since Kit doesn't have feelings for Kim anymore I at least hope that Kim steps up to the plate. Speaking of which why wasn't he at the hospital? Since Racheal would of said what was going on when she got the phone call.
Peter's back ready to catch the stabber aka Rocco and Johnny. Certainly an emotionally charged Ric but exactly what you would expect to see from him.
All in all one of the best H&A episodes to date and certainly an excellent way to start off the show for 2007!
*sigh* It seems I am the only one who liked the theme song or was I just so excited about the episode that I wasn't really paying much attension.
EDIT: Oh photo shoot Tasha how glamorous. Otherwise have fun back up at QLD, if you can come back on the board all well and good if not well enjoy H&A (like we all will) and I shall help hold down the fort for you.