kami said:
Gosford, can you please try to write properly? Writing in proper english is only a waste of time if it is difficult or time consuming for you which, unless you're dyslexic, it really shouldn't be. People won't take you that seriously either if you choose not to.
It is time consuming
because unlike a lot of people on this forum, i have this niggling feeling to study for my trials/other exams at uni
i think that there is better things to do than write properly, its the net mate, where have u been
all the jargon, heck im probably a noob, i dont knnow half the abbrieviations, but i dont complain
Who on earth decides what is natural anyway?
If you cared to READ my posts (as much trouble as it may be, with the terrible english and all) you would see me state that that was my OPINION, am i right, well i think i got a case, but opinions can be biased, confusing etc.
so i dont see ur point there
Homosexuality and bisexuality are not choices, do you honestly think anyone would risk the various exclusions from society for sexual pleasure they could 'choose' to have elsewhere?
Yet again my opinion that yes it is a choice
you dont believe it then fine, whatever
ive heard of people with hoimosexual feelings, supressing it, living happy lives
then yet again ive heard of others supressing it and having an unhappy
but hey, thats wat made me conclude that it may be a choice
If homosexuality and bisexuality are choices doesn't that mean any hetero male (like yourself?) could choose to fall madly in love and desperately want a guy to insert his penis up your rectum? Or does the idea just not appeal to you at all? If it doesn't then you can't choose those feelings.
I dont get that point
i could (well not really as i dont have a car, and still not 18 yet) go somewhere and hook up with another man
I dont want to
so thats why it is confusing
are u trying to juxtapose it with men, not wanting to have sex with women
if u are (which you didnt really explain properly) then i say, fine dont have sex with women
I never said that someone should have sex if they dont want to
i would never want to do that myself (with a guy/girl/transvestite watever)
You can't equate a desire with an action so your murdered/gay comparison fails, utterly.
um... why cant I???
In the US, in the last 2 years they have consideredthat people being gay, transvestite, and murders dont have a choice
Now please say here if i am wrong
but im not being a hypocrite by sayin muderers have a choice, whilst gays dont have a choice
u r being a hypocrite
sayin that homosexuals dont, but murders do (accordin to study very smiliar in nature of abilioty to choose. not choose)
so they have in america equated it for the opposite, so im equating it here for my argument, without being a hypocrite unlike you!
If homo/bisexuality is a choice then so what? It doesn't affect you, doesn't pose a problem to society and it makes homo/bisexual men very happy (bang bang, love etc.).
If yet again you cared to read my posts, you would see that i stated my opinion like many others because thats the purpose of this topic
I also said in my previous posts
that i would not go up to a gay in the street and impose my views on them
why would i bother???
All i said was that i
FELT it wasnt natural
would i ever have a gay for a friend
probably not
i also do not associate with anyone that
is vulgar, sexist, racist etc.
some people do because they share views, watever (I'm not comparing homsexuality to racism, sexism etc. all im saying is that like those things i dont like it)
and some people may not want o associate with me because of my views (such as homsexuals, as well as some people on this forum)
so be it
How on earth is physiology better made for being straight? And if it isn't then so what? Alot of things are physically easier than others.
To first question please read previous points, someone already beat you to the punch
secondly yet agin my opinion, i wasnt talking about physically easier (altough it probably isnt)
i was sayin our bodies not so suitable. Please elaborate on this second question
Arguments regarding reproduction is irrelevant unless you want to ban the pill, vasectomies, condoms, abortion and not to forget post menopausal women and sterile people fucking. There are also alot of animals who have sex purely for pleasure, so you'd better spank them for being naughty or something.
please name those animals
after doing some more research
it is believed that dolphins and humans as well as a small number of other naimals (dolphins and humans only one proven) that have sex for alternative reasons
the latest animal to have been gaining groun in this odd field is
chimpanzees, they apparently have it for social reasons, (apparently conflict resolution, lol)
How many do you mean by a lot?
3, 30, 300
how many animal species in the world?
did a search (2-100 million)
so if its was only 2 mill
maybe you would need at least 51% animals to support it (thats what I consider a lot, as compared to animals that dont)
but hey i will let you get away with
.1 mill
maybe even 10 000
i would be impressed if you could right now tell me the name of 100 animals that it is known for them to have sex for pleasure (apart from 3 mentioned)
so please name them, or retract that statement
what did you mean by a lot
and i NEVER said it was wrong for animals to have sex for fun
nor did i say that for humans, i m,erely questioned the NATURE of the sexual relations
trust me, if i only ever have sex for reproductive reasons, I'm gonna either have a sad life, or a lot of kids

so mate yet agin this comment was irrelevent as i was not saying, nor have i ever said that I believe sex would only be for reproductive reasons
thankyou for reading and i am eager for your response (particularly 5, 6 and 8)
PS. My deepest apologies to those fellow readers who had to undergo the ardous task of deciphering my failure to write in (quote) 'proper english'. I sincerely request for anyone that was offended by my ignorance and refusal to write throughout my posts in a proper manner to forgive me.
(hows that for proper!)