#1 If we looked at it from a fatalist point of view, the universe has an ultimate and inescapable future based on prior events. No effect is without cause. If no effect is without cause, and a being knew everything, he would know the past, the present and the future. He knew you and I would be born while the earth was still cooling. That puts a rather large hole in the "this life is nothing but a test and to not be gay is one of those tests" mindset, because as products of nothing more than our brains, bodies and interaction with the external environment there is really no "test" to pass or fail when the answers are already on the page.You touched on something that I too would really like to know 100% but... unfortunately due to my non-diety status I can't. And that is, "If there is a God, does he know everything I'm going to do - or am I truly free from that and he does not know?" Arguments for both sides are valid, namely - "But he's god so he has to know all" and to counter, "Then well, if he knows all, why doesn't he just punish those which he knows will end up not believing in him", but then if that's true then we were put in the world as part of a grand plan and he already knows we're going to hell so... is that not unfair that he put us in the world fully knowing he's going to damn us to eternal hell anyway? (taking the Christian God perspective)
For point 2: Well, say you yourself made a world and you held the view men mating with men is disgusting. And then in your little world, men mated with men. Wouldn't you be angry? I mean, a bad example I can think of is children - say, if you told your kids homosexuality was bad, and then your kids turned out gay... nevermind if it's a correct view or not, but you as the parent would be pretty annoyed.
For point 3: Arguable, I will admit that.
#2 If the creator of the universe DID happen to hate gay people then I'm sure he would be very angry. Happily there's no reason to believe that's the case, because if that was his view and he really believed we had to stone them to death then we would be living under the thumb of a very immoral being indeed.
The parent who hated gay people and had a gay kid would indeed be annoyed. I would say the parent has no moral leg to stand on to say "homosexuality is bad" without justification, especially when their kids turn out gay anyway. It goes to show that it's not a choice, some people are born straight just like some people are born gay.
#3 Thanks for being honest enough to admit that it's an arguable point
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