How accepting do you think Sydney schools are of homosexuality? (2 Viewers)

How open and accepting is your school in discussing homosexuality?

  • Extremely; it's not even an issue, as no one discriminates and everyone is open

    Votes: 5 8.6%
  • Mostly; there may be certain groups who oppose it, but on the whole it's not a taboo topic

    Votes: 20 34.5%
  • Somewhat; the teachers/students will discuss it, but they try and avoid/discourage the topic if poss

    Votes: 14 24.1%
  • Not at all; homosexuality is taboo and/or a subject of overall hatred in my school

    Votes: 19 32.8%

  • Total voters

neo o

it's coming to me...
Aug 16, 2002
Originally posted by eviltama
'just isnt that female'?? what does my av have to do with my gender? I could have an animal there for all it mattered would that mean that i'm just not human?
go figure.
You need to remember Dubya that women are people too!


Mentally Deranged Maniac
Jul 25, 2002
Originally posted by George W. Bush
PS: you don't have to argue everything you know [/B]
i just want to know how my av would make me any more or less of a female? It just isnt logical.
Feb 21, 2004
Originally posted by poloktim
Then you need to admit, what you said can be taken in offence. I think I would do the same thing should I be in eviltama's position.
:rolleyes: it was obviously a joke

Originally posted by eviltama
i just want to know how my av would make me any more or less of a female? It just isnt logical.
True or false (this one's easy)
Men like tits.


Mentally Deranged Maniac
Jul 25, 2002
Originally posted by George W. Bush
True or false (this one's easy)
Men like tits.
So do some women. And its an anime clip... i have plenty more like it. Hentai, yaoi, yuri... take ur pick.
Feb 21, 2004
Originally posted by eviltama
So do some women. And its an anime clip... i have plenty more like it. Hentai, yaoi, yuri... take ur pick.
No, it's alright, your avatar is on endless loop anyway;)


under pressure
Feb 6, 2004
Originally posted by George W. Bush
PS: you don't have to argue everything you know
you're wrong! everything must be argued!


so don't even ask me
Nov 30, 2003
Originally posted by eviltama
i just want to know how my av would make me any more or less of a female? It just isnt logical.
well i know i assumed you were male, purely because in my experience on forums, men tend to be the ones with the avs of naked chicks :p


Jun 4, 2004
Originally posted by ihatecensorship
sorry, look guys its just fun and games lets not take it tooo heart ?
fun and games? i knew a kid who was gay and his parents wouldn't accept him and he felt like his church wouldn't accept him and his own brother bashed him... you sit here and make jokes about an issue that is so delicate and try to excuse it with 'guys it's just fun and games lets not take it tooo heart ?'... well that's bullshit mate... its shitheads like you who fuck society up

neo o

it's coming to me...
Aug 16, 2002
Originally posted by 400miles
fun and games? i knew a kid who was gay and his parents wouldn't accept him and he felt like his church wouldn't accept him and his own brother bashed him... you sit here and make jokes about an issue that is so delicate and try to excuse it with 'guys it's just fun and games lets not take it tooo heart ?'... well that's bullshit mate... its shitheads like you who fuck society up
Try not to run your mouth off please. We don't need 2 gaybashers here eh?


Active Member
Oct 11, 2002
Originally posted by neo_o
Try not to run your mouth off please. We don't need 2 gaybashers here eh?
i like 400miles. we need someone to counter gaybasher.
Jun 5, 2004
hes own brother bashed him...............thats utterly hillarious, i hope he is ok.. the queer should have hit hes brother with hes hand bag rofl rofl.

Did you read all the things i said dude? if you read what i say 400. you would see im a very intelligent and kind person.

Im not bashing any pooo jabbers nor do i encourage bashing them. Besides gays would be dirty fighters, for sure they would aim for the dick.

Have you seeen gays fight, they slap like girls its funny shit.

I think gays can go to church as long as they dont pack the fudge there. There are alot of gay preiests anyways . im sure if he looked around he could find some priests who would be very very very very welcomeing of a fellow fudge packer.

I could make some on your knees preying jokes here but yeah cos im so tolerant and mature i will refrain.

Why are there so many pro gays on here??????? are you guys gay yourselves? why are you all so obsessed with proteciting gay rights????

In relation to the last thing you said, i find that offensive. By me making jokes it doesnt hurt anyone. Like i said its all just fun and games. I do not encourage hurting gays nor do i hurt gays i just make some jokes and if they want to make some jokes about str8 people they are more than welcome.

I dont seee how my jokes can hurt anyone.

All i wanta do is make this country and society a better place.
Part of that is, just encouraging everyone to not take life so seriously.

Go and read some more of my wisdom dude ---- a good one for you would be politically correct cry babies.

But yeah thanks for your remarks.

and make sure you give me a vote in the polls. I would be a kick arse prime minister.

If we had more people like me this country would be the best place in the world.

PS lengstar ur a cock why are you so against me???? no need for your negativity man.
Last edited:


Jun 4, 2004
Originally posted by ihatecensorship
hes own brother bashed him...............thats utterly hillarious, i hope he is ok.. the queer should have hit hes brother with hes hand bag rofl rofl.

Did you read all the things i said dude? if you read what i say 400. you would see im a very intelligent and kind person.

Im not bashing any pooo jabbers nor do i encourage bashing them. Besides gays would be dirty fighters, for sure they would aim for the dick.

Have you seeen gays fight, they slap like girls its funny shit.

I think gays can go to church as long as they dont pack the fudge there. There are alot of gay preiests anyways . im sure if he looked around he could find some priests who would be very very very very welcomeing of a fellow fudge packer.

I could make some on your knees preying jokes here but yeah cos im so tolerant and mature i will refrain.

Why are there so many pro gays on here??????? are you guys gay yourselves? why are you all so obsessed with proteciting gay rights????

In relation to the last thing you said, i find that offensive. By me making jokes it doesnt hurt anyone. Like i said its all just fun and games. I do not encourage hurting gays nor do i hurt gays i just make some jokes and if they want to make some jokes about str8 people they are more than welcome.

I dont seee how my jokes can hurt anyone.

All i wanta do is make this country and society a better place.
Part of that is, just encouraging everyone to not take life so seriously.

Go and read some more of my wisdom dude ---- a good one for you would be politically correct cry babies.

But yeah thanks for your remarks.

and make sure you give me a vote in the polls. I would be a kick arse prime minister.

If we had more people like me this country would be the best place in the world.

PS lengstar ur a cock why are you so against me???? no need for your negativity man.
I've read everything you said in this poll and most of it is crap. You wonder how your jokes hurt anyone? "hes own brother bashed him...............thats utterly hillarious" is what you said and I don't think I really need to mention it (but yes some people are thick) but if my mate read that he'd be a lot more than just fucking hurt... Your jokes - which you say you're using to try and get people to laugh more or take life less seriously - do the opposite to what you 'say' you're trying to achieve. They offend so many more people than they amuse and a lot of them are sick and disgusting and it pains me that you consider yourself such a good Australian...

There's a huge difference between being able to laugh more and being inappropriate, rude, hurtful and a straight out wanker...

The hardest thing when trying to argue against you is that I think you full well realise the problem so many people have with you and that you play this fucked up role as some kind of big joke... like the more you insult people the funnier it is... so when arguing against you it's hard to take the opposite stance when I think all the things you're saying are just said to stir us up, whether you actually believe them or not is beyond me... god help you if you do...
as for your opinions on the church (the valid points you made... if any).. the church claims that it respects homosexuals as long as they're not practising (try and use this terminology in your jokes - that way you definately wont hurt anyone)... but the church is very hypocritical... george pell refused on many occasions to administer the Eucharist to any homosexual or those supporting homosexuality... Whether they were practising or not wasn't the issue, it was the fact that they wore a rainbow sash - saying that they think homosexuality is ok - that george pell decided not to give them communion...
Dude grow up... like I said, I reckon this is an act your putting on to stir us all up and it's pathetic mate... the only reason that I bite at the bait you've left all over these forums is that this is a particular issue that I'm very passionate about - due to my friends situation... but grow up
Jun 5, 2004
400 miles, firstly thank you very much for your well thought out, curtius and well constructed reply.

I like your psycho analysis of me.

Firstly i said it was funny that hes brother hit him but i also said i hope he is ok. I also specificaly stated that i dont believe in bashing gays and i certainly dont bash any gays.

There are certain minorities that i like more than others. But as long as your a decent person i dont really have any major problems with you living in my country. There are decent fags, gooks, abos, niggers, etc etc etc i dont really have a problem with any of them i judge people on their own character. But it doesnt mean i cant make racist or politically incorrect statements, i feel as a citizen of a free country almost an obligatioin to exploit this liberty. It really really really offends me that people are trying to take away free speach. Freedom in this country in all forms is very very important to me.

Alot of the stuff i say i am serious about, but then again there is some stuff i say to specifically anger the politically correct. I think since i have made so many postings you can seee what i am scincere about and what im not.

I do not just come on here by any means just to piss people offf, one day i might run for politics im pretty serious with alot of the things i say.

Like in relation to the church accepting gays ummmm i dont know, like if the bible and all that doesnt condon packing the fudge, why do you expect priests to change the rules of their religions.

I think if people dont want to follow the churches teachings i think priests have a right to tell you to pisss offf. Im not a very religious person myself but what i just said seems fair enuff to me.

Like on the other hand though priests arnt all so perfect sometimes its like the kettle calling the pot black or whatever the saying is. There is alot of hypocrisy.

I dont wanta hurt peoples feelings etc, but the other side of that is, if people are going to take life so serious and everything i say to heart i dont really feel a responsibility to talk like a priest just to appease these people.

In general i seeeee absolutely nothing wrong with taking the piss out of peoples cultures, religion, nashionality, custums, gender, sexuality etc. As long as you dont seriously endorse, encourage or partake in violence against these groups there is nothing wrong with taking the piss out of them.

To put things in context though you get angry cos i make a joke, but the church or ur friends family doesnt accept your friend and that hurts your friend 1000 x more than my stupid gay jokes. There are ppple who actually bash gays. Like people want to get so fired up at me, but there are people in our society with no humanity who are treating people like shit.

I consider myself one of the most decent and thoughtful people in this country. Its funny how some of you can get in an uproar over my jokes but you support our government that kills 1000's of innocent people in another country or support people iin jail being bashed and raped. You care about some jokes i make, but you could use that energy and your campassion to make a difference in our society.

BTW i hope things turn out well for your gay friend.


Bubblegum girl
Feb 11, 2004
Somewhere between the sky and the earth
well i don't noe about wat my skool thinks about it, coz the issue of homosexuality doesn't seem to be brought up in assembly or even class, but if it was ever raised then may be there will be arguments about the whole and how teachers, students should deal with all types of equality including that of homosexuality


Jun 4, 2004
Originally posted by ihatecensorship
400 miles, firstly thank you very much for your well thought out, curtius and well constructed reply.

I like your psycho analysis of me.

Firstly i said it was funny that hes brother hit him but i also said i hope he is ok. I also specificaly stated that i dont believe in bashing gays and i certainly dont bash any gays.

There are certain minorities that i like more than others. But as long as your a decent person i dont really have any major problems with you living in my country. There are decent fags, gooks, abos, niggers, etc etc etc i dont really have a problem with any of them i judge people on their own character. But it doesnt mean i cant make racist or politically incorrect statements, i feel as a citizen of a free country almost an obligatioin to exploit this liberty. It really really really offends me that people are trying to take away free speach. Freedom in this country in all forms is very very important to me.

Alot of the stuff i say i am serious about, but then again there is some stuff i say to specifically anger the politically correct. I think since i have made so many postings you can seee what i am scincere about and what im not.

I do not just come on here by any means just to piss people offf, one day i might run for politics im pretty serious with alot of the things i say.

Like in relation to the church accepting gays ummmm i dont know, like if the bible and all that doesnt condon packing the fudge, why do you expect priests to change the rules of their religions.

I think if people dont want to follow the churches teachings i think priests have a right to tell you to pisss offf. Im not a very religious person myself but what i just said seems fair enuff to me.

Like on the other hand though priests arnt all so perfect sometimes its like the kettle calling the pot black or whatever the saying is. There is alot of hypocrisy.

I dont wanta hurt peoples feelings etc, but the other side of that is, if people are going to take life so serious and everything i say to heart i dont really feel a responsibility to talk like a priest just to appease these people.

In general i seeeee absolutely nothing wrong with taking the piss out of peoples cultures, religion, nashionality, custums, gender, sexuality etc. As long as you dont seriously endorse, encourage or partake in violence against these groups there is nothing wrong with taking the piss out of them.

To put things in context though you get angry cos i make a joke, but the church or ur friends family doesnt accept your friend and that hurts your friend 1000 x more than my stupid gay jokes. There are ppple who actually bash gays. Like people want to get so fired up at me, but there are people in our society with no humanity who are treating people like shit.

I consider myself one of the most decent and thoughtful people in this country. Its funny how some of you can get in an uproar over my jokes but you support our government that kills 1000's of innocent people in another country or support people iin jail being bashed and raped. You care about some jokes i make, but you could use that energy and your campassion to make a difference in our society.

BTW i hope things turn out well for your gay friend.
Firstly you claim not to bash gays... well fair enough, you might have never physically struck a homosexual but in A LOT of cases verbally gay bashing - which is what your jokes are - is just as bad... yeah my friends family hurt him more than you would have but a shit comment like yours is all it takes to send him off the rails again....

you do have every right to say whatever you want about anything but in the end your upsetting a lot of people who think that what you're saying is fucked up... you have the right to say it but that doesn't make it right...

As for the church, it's all your own viewpoint... the uniting church says the bible does condone homosexuality, the catholic says it doesn't condone homosexual acts, but it doesnt mind if someone is homosexual - as long as they're not having sex... george pell refused to serve anyone with the sash regardless of whether they were practising homosexuals or not... they might not have even been gay they might have just been supporting gays...

and you make it out like all of us who get offended take life so very seriously and don't laugh at anything, as though you're just making a passing joke and we're so into taking things seriously we get offended... but thats crap... personally i think i take a joke extremely well.. there are some jokes though that not only cross the line but run well past it... the world could be a little more lighthearted sure.. but making jokes like yours are only going to make serious situations more intense and divided and breed all this negative bullshit..

and you said "Its funny how some of you can get in an uproar over my jokes but you support our government that kills 1000's of innocent people in another country or support people iin jail being bashed and raped."... but when did I ever say I supported our government? in fact in another thread about bush's comments on our politics i specifically say get john howard out of government and vote mark latham in.. a man wanting to pull australia out of situations (like iraq) that kill 1000's.

You can say whatever you like but if you continuously go down such a socially rude and extremely offending line then you're continuously going to be bagged out...
Jun 5, 2004
ummmm gays make jokes about them selves who cares.

gays can make jokes about str8 ppple all day it doesnt offend me one bit.

I think their is a difference between verbally gay bashing etc etc and the comments i make... most of them i just make in a joking around way. Its not like i say in a serious way i hate gays and we need to kill them offff. Even if i do make a statement like that. i dont mean it. and anyone who reads my postings can see that.

Ive said it 100 tiems i dont really mind any minority groups besides the politcally correct.

I dont want to pick on individual gays and make them feel sad, i am happy to have pooo jabbers in the community i dont have a problem with them. But i do expect them to be able to handle my little comments and not cry over them.

I am probably more accepting and reasonable than most people in the community the only thing i like to do is encourage a bit of playful torment and excercise a bit of free speach.

contrary to your comment i dont think you or any other reasonable person really feels...that my little jokes are worse than homophobes actually physically assulting queers. Im sure 99.9% of fags dont care about my rhetoric and if they do they can go and cry on their boy friends shoulder.

People shouldnt take what i say so personally.


Apr 9, 2003
Sydney, Inner West
Originally posted by charmed_cuties
well i don't noe about wat my skool thinks about it, coz the issue of homosexuality doesn't seem to be brought up in assembly or even class, but if it was ever raised then may be there will be arguments about the whole and how teachers, students should deal with all types of equality including that of homosexuality
That's the thing. I mean I wouldn't give a shit if one of my friends was gay. They like guys (or girls if it's a girl-friend), good for them. Nuff said.

Why even bother bringing it up? Because most people are stupid and are predisposed against gays. I can't blame them (the stupid people) either, they're only human, you can't expect much.

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