How accepting do you think Sydney schools are of homosexuality? (1 Viewer)

How open and accepting is your school in discussing homosexuality?

  • Extremely; it's not even an issue, as no one discriminates and everyone is open

    Votes: 5 8.6%
  • Mostly; there may be certain groups who oppose it, but on the whole it's not a taboo topic

    Votes: 20 34.5%
  • Somewhat; the teachers/students will discuss it, but they try and avoid/discourage the topic if poss

    Votes: 14 24.1%
  • Not at all; homosexuality is taboo and/or a subject of overall hatred in my school

    Votes: 19 32.8%

  • Total voters


Jun 4, 2004
ihatecensorship stop labelling me as politically correct... because I think you go too far I'm politically correct? Makes no sense... if you're going to excerise your very fucked up notion of free speech (notice the spelling) then at least speak sense

i'm not going to keep arguing with you about this because your stubborn and immature... i think if you can't see the flaws what you're saying then you need to grow up... you always talk about becoming a politician... well it's going to hit you damn hard the day you try and suddenly realise how the world works
Jun 5, 2004
I am saying your politically correct because you are making a song and dance over my little comments and the little names that i give certain groups. When in the scheme of things its not important. My underlying messages and my policy stances are important.

I thought my last response made alot of sense and you would have agreed with it.

I have tried to speak to you in a respectful manner and be courteous, its a shame you have taken the arguement down into the gutter with your name calling and personal attacks on myself.

Your the one who made the statement that my name calling is just as bad as physically bashing a gay........

gays call themselves faggets etc etc. they dont care.
I just think ur being sure most gays dont mind what i why do you????

Why do you have to act so offended even though your not gay and gays dont even care. Im pretty sure gays dont mind my rhetoric.

Why do you call free speech a fucked up notion??? Freedom is important....


Jun 4, 2004
Free speech isn't a fucked up notion, it's fantastic, the way you're utilising it is fucked up... You have the right to say what you want - but a lot of things you say cross the line.

Making a "song and dance" over your "little" comments have nothing to do with being politically correct - more to do with having a social conscience.

"I thought my last response made alot of sense and you would have agreed with it."

I'll never agree with anything you say so why bother.

Stop generalising people... Especially gays... "Gays call tehmselves faggets etc etc."... well maybe some that you know...but I think it's a huge misconception and downright lie to say that gays call themselves faggets... Not only that but I don't think any gay commenting on their own sexuality means you taking the piss out of them is allright.

Freedom is important, as you say, but it's narrow-minded comments like yours about gays which force a lot of homosexuals to want to hide their sexual orientation from the world... so your speech might actually be seen as limiting freedom...

You're pretty sure gays don't mind your rhetoric? Where do you get that from?

Man I give up on you... I'm surprised you haven't given up on yourself
Jun 5, 2004
Ummmmm you seeem to love gays so much wouldnt surpise me if your in the str8 person would be so obssed with gay rights unlesss he was a fudge packer himself.

You seeem pretty decent but im not going to stand for your abuse. Speak in a polite way and i will recipricate. Look at gay mardi gra......they all wear pink and shit and mimic their bum jacking lifestyle in public and dance around like stereo typical poo jabbing homos.

But mardi gra is them taking the piss out of i dont seee ur problem.

So get offf my case. Like you said yourself...........comments force alot of homos to hide their real sexuality....thats why i think ur offended.

If you are gay..come out of the closet...
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Jun 4, 2004
Grow up... I'm not gay but I wouldn't care if I was... What I would care about would be comments like yours...

So the Mardi Gras represent all gays?

I'm offended because firstly of my friend - I've seen the kind of thing that happens to people because of comments like yours... And secondly because it's wrong... You're stereotyping, generalising and unfair...

I'm over this. Cya.
Jun 5, 2004
basically that just means he is gay.

If it doesnt represent them they can get a float... they have hairy gays .......all different types of homos...

Gays dont mind me at all, it wouldnt surprise me if they make a float in my honor...not that im gay i am just a supporter of them and they can seee that. its the str8 pple acting offended on behalf of queers and the non gooks acting offended on behalf of gooks.....the actually minorities i attack dont give a rats arse.
Jun 5, 2004
Just be a man and dont let a few little words worry you.

Thanks for the discussion dude. good luck.
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Apr 9, 2003
Sydney, Inner West
Originally posted by 400miles
You have the right to say what you want - but a lot of things you say cross the line.
Ok, bad point dummy. Either it's free speech, or you put limits on it and make it not free speech. Pick one, you can't have it both ways:

"You can have free speech, but you can't say anything that crosses the proverbial line"


Jun 4, 2004
Originally posted by KeypadSDM
Ok, bad point dummy. Either it's free speech, or you put limits on it and make it not free speech. Pick one, you can't have it both ways:

"You can have free speech, but you can't say anything that crosses the proverbial line"
I'm not saying he can't have free speech... I'm saying it crosses the line as being insulting and hurtful... He can say what he likes, I was merely expressing my opinion that I thought what he did say was crap and uncalled for...

I wasn't putting limits on it... Was just saying that if you're going to say something unneccessarily hurtful then you're a wanker.

Guess it was just my opinion that it crossed the line... free speech and all


Active Member
Jul 26, 2002
You have the 'right' to free speech, yet you have the responsibility of respecting the views of other people. If only that second part was accepted by all...
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Jun 5, 2004
i think we should have the right to verbalise using racial slurs and sexism.

I also think we should have the right to discriminate against people.

If you own a company why shou8ld you employ a person of a race that you hate????

If you own a property why should you have to lease it out to some one of a race you hate.

Its bad enuff we have such a weak government that allows all these mud races to floood our country bringing their dirty filthy cultures, but our government also tries to appease these people by making it a law that we have to treat these animals like citizens.

Just because you have a piece of paper from our government doesnt make you Australian. We are not all the same and we never will be.

Everyone should have the right to be racist. Not hurt people from other races, but you should be aloud to avoid certain races if you so chooose.

Fucking shittty government.


Jun 4, 2004
Originally posted by ihatecensorship

Everyone should have the right to be racist. Not hurt people from other races,
Being racist does hurt people from other races... and it's not just the government.. the UN decides that you cant discriminate against race either... that's the UN - representatives of the entire world... you know better than them?

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