Fairly unusual day here. Had maths first period where we did the Cartesian equation and projectile motion, I managed to do the question we were given when no one else did which was very odd. I don't think anyone was really trying though to be honest, we're a slack bunch

Next was Software where we completed the entire course! Hell yes, now it's just revision, two exams and we're done! Then recess where I had a meeting. 3rd period was cancelled for an awards assembly where I had to read something about one of the activities.
4th period is usually assembly but as it was 3rd we had extended home group where we learned life skills zomg! My sewing was a sight to be seen. Then was lunchtime where I managed to actually have a lunchtime free which was pretty sweet. Also went to get my maths mark and was pleasantly suprised to discover I got 1st, just need to repeat that for the 40% weighted trials and I am winnar! :S 5th was Business, normal lesson, and 6th was a cancelled extension maths period as the 4 unit guys had a test. So I painted signs for the International Day we have tomorrow and got asked by the art teachers to pack up for about an hour. After that was practice for a showcase tomorrow where I stayed about an hour longer than I needed to without realising it.
And so tomorrow is International Day where I am running the Aus/NZ/UK stall, woo! Can't wait till it's done, that means there's one week of assessments left before the glorious holidays.
So yeah that was a very strange day for reasons of painting, staying behind, getting a good mark, having free periods, doing no work and actually having a decent day.