Whew, I haven't been on for a bit.
Well, school's going alright I guess. Decided to drop 4U maths because I'm a little bit too sucky for that, so I guess I'll just waltz through 2U
English Extension - The Castle (hilarious)
English Extension Two - I've done half my proposal and it's due in a month lol
Advanced English - My teacher's away for the term... but other than that, it's okay...
Maths 2U - Really fun (because it's easy)
Maths 3U - Para(random solutions)metrics T_T
Chemistry - A bit tedious at the moment, but we're up to section four of Production of Materials.
Modern History - Really fun as always; up to learning about WWI generals.
History extension -

My only offline class, and I know what I'm going to do but why are classes so :\??
Yeah, lulz.
@ Jachie: Who the hell would hang those poor puppies

I get really distressed when humans get all superiority complexy and whatev and start hurting animals. Actually it really distresses me when I walk into pet shops where everyone's poking at the pups while they scratch at glass windows, craving for interaction with their own. Arggggggh.