If you could carry a concealed weapon would you? (2 Viewers)

If you could carry a concealed weapon would you?

  • Yes

    Votes: 37 45.1%
  • No

    Votes: 45 54.9%

  • Total voters


Dec 13, 2011
I haven't thought a great deal about this so please excuse me if I sound naive concerning this matter:)

I can see merit in having a weapon to protect others, but not necessarily myself. Because if a gun was already drawn on me, I'm pretty sure if I reached to pull out a gun that chances are they'd shoot me before I was able to shoot them. But if I saw some guy draw a gun on someone else, I could shoot them before they shot the person who they pulled the gun on - if they didn't see me.

That's the only thing I don't understand about the whole protection for yourself thing. As I said, if the gun is already drawn on you then you're pretty much stuffed.

But I have minuscule knowledge on guns, so excuse my lack of knowledge if what I'm saying isn't a problem due to something I'm not aware of:)

To the best of my knowledge, guns would only be beneficial if you weren't the target, or if they were unarmed, or really unskilled in using their weapon. I think...
Correct me if I'm wrong:)


Premium Member
Jan 27, 2009
I like how everyone has jumped to the gun.


Addiction Psychiatrist
Nov 10, 2009
I don’t see how that’s any of your business…
Uni Grad
Why do you and others have this false idea that if you are carrying a weapon, you need to use it?
Ive got knives. Ive got a sword. Fuck I have a hunting bow that has a better effective range then most 9mm pistols, but I dont go out thinking "Shit, I live in campbelltown, better go take my hunting gear and hunt some bitches."
it's not that you need to use it, it is that you have the intent to use it.
You put the weapon on your person knowing full well that the only time you will use it is to harm another human being.

That is a hunting bow. That is not on your person for self-defence and is hardly concealable (along with the swords) so what you're saying makes no sense to the argument at all.

and how do you suppose that the illegal firearms trade is stopped so that literally no one can access a gun?
what about knives? what about scissors? lol fuck this post is so naive.
Look, obviously you aren't going to stop ~everyone~ from owning a gun as long as they are still in production.
But, restricting the access (like we have in Australia) definitely stops a lot of dangerous people from having guns, and that to me is safer than everyone being able to have a concealed weapon.

yep. i think a lot of pro-gun-freakness comes from simply believing in the right to be able to protect yourself/your home.
Look, I don't think any flat screen TV is worth killing another person. We have police and legal systems for a reason, people that think "I have a right to kill someone that comes on my property" are the people that usually get killed or kill people that are just trying to get money for problems like drug habits and shit.
Just get some fucking insurance.
Sure, protecting yourself is a right you have and if the other person is trying to kill you and the only way you can survive is by killing them then that is a decision you have to make, but if they aren't going to kill you (or rape you, whatevs) then what is the need to kill them? You can't just say "they are scum committing these crimes" or some BS, you aren't the judge, jury, and executioner, that is not your decision to make whether they live or die.

there is a picture of him walking around with like >20 body guards who are all armed lol. I'm pretty sure they would shoot to kill if someone looked remotely suss.
Im pretty sure that isn't true at all.
They would only shoot to kill if someone was trying to kill the him. Which is self-defence as you've put it.
And mostly they are there as a visual deterrent.

i would rather be murdered than raped and have to live with that.

so in our "fairy land", regular people can be trained to use firearms and legally carry a concealed weapon but that is retarded

however in this ~perfect world~ it is illegal for average citizens to be able to defend and protect themselves however there is a huge black market for weapons readily accessible to those who are more likely to commit crimes??? (???)

are you kidding me?
No one said you don't have a right to protect yourself, you just don't have a right to infringe on other people's safety in the process (and don't give me some argument that carrying a gun is completely safe, esp. when the person using it is not trained).

lol ok if you're a sociopath. I'm pretty sure a normal person would have qualms with shooting someone. even if it was in self defence.

are you speaking from experience here shooting/stabbing someone or is this just from info you have gathered from tumblr posts about soldiers in the middle east and playing video games?
I obviously am not a psychopath because I realise the importance of human life and choose to argue against allowing people to carry a weapon that could kill someone quite easily. And I obviously have qualms with shooting someone if I am saying I don't want to arm myself and I don't want to shoot someone. You're the one that is saying "I would kill someone in self-defence, let me carry a gun so I can kill people." Fuck.

And I'm not going to talk about this.
I'm just going to say I know that it takes a lot to stab someone and kill them. You have to either hit them in the right place (which would require some knowledge of the human body) or you would have to inflict a lot of blows, and you would need to do it with more force than a gun, esp. if you were in the process of being attacked.
With a gun you can just pull the trigger and most probably the shot will be fatal, esp. when the victim is a criminal that would rather risk dying than going to a hospital and getting caught.
Stabbing someone physically takes more strength, arguing against that is stupid, it is common sense.


"oh fuck that guys wrist nubs are bigger than mine"

only solution is a worldwide suicide pact.
we are born with hands
Hands serve purposes other than killing

We aren't born with guns
Guns are made to kill people and animals
There is no useful purpose for guns in the home or on the street

You are blinded by your fear that someone will kill/rape you if you don't have a gun, and that is why you shouldn't have a gun because your fear will impair your usage of the weapon and you could kill someone by accident.

you do not understand.

This is based on the premise that owning a gun=crazy psychopath murderer

i'm going to go out on a whim here and say sane people don't really have the urge to just go drive by shooting and probably wouldn't if they had a gun registered to them
if you're going to go drive by shooting it would be with an unregistered/stolen/illegally acquired gun
I'm going to go out on a whim here and say that sane people don't really have the urge to own a gun.

Why do people own guns?
- To kill animals for fun.
- To kill other people.

Come on.

you guys know that by "legalising guns" we're not saying the government should be like "oh ok here you go. buy a gun at woolworths and off you trot. (p.s. they're cheaper at Aldi)"[
You do know that allowing people to carry concealed guns on their person is what this is. Right?

And you'd just create more fear because then everyone would think "well, everyone around me could be carrying a gun right now so if I get attacked I will probably get shot trying to fight them off. Better get a bigger gun!"

we can't all be dan nolan

carry some scissors if it makes you feel safer

Thank you for the Nolan thing.

remember who you're speaking to
we can't all be gun-toting, freedom-loving Nolans.

No offence Christina, but you're a bit fucking dumb to act like you're socially superior to me. At least I admit my faults.
Last edited:


Now lactating. Sample me.
Mar 9, 2003
If I had a gun I wouldn't go outside. You can shoot people from the couch if you have a street facing window. And there's popcorn in the toaster.

Metal hands would be nice.
More sword fights. These hoodlums and their knifeshank shenanigans - too undisciplined. No class. No technique. No soundtrack.

Violence should not be easy unless sitting down. Brutal, primitive and continuing for several rounds after the first limb disembarks.


Premium Member
Jan 27, 2009
it's not that you need to use it, it is that you have the intent to use it.
You put the weapon on your person knowing full well that the only time you will use it is to harm another human being.

That is a hunting bow. That is not on your person for self-defence and is hardly concealable (along with the swords) so what you're saying makes no sense to the argument at all.
You still have this misconceived idea that if I (or anyone else for that matter) is carrying a knife that im gonna go whip it out whilly nilly and stab someone as soon as they give me the stinkeye. Different scenarios call for different reactions.

As for the bow thing it still applies to the situation at hand in regards to weapons and defending oneself. If someone was to attack me whilst I had my bow in hand I have no problem letting one off in their foot. It'd pin the sucker to the floor thats for damn sure.

Look, obviously you aren't going to stop ~everyone~ from owning a gun as long as they are still in production.
But, restricting the access (like we have in Australia) definitely stops a lot of dangerous people from having guns, and that to me is safer than everyone being able to have a concealed weapon.
Lol mate there was a shooting in claymore and Macfields, you really think dangerous people dont have firearms already? Id bet my bikes that both shooters were unlicensed and using a blackmarket weapon.

To further the point about laws in regards to firearms:
You must contact the NSW Firearms Registry and ask to receive licence application forms.
Must have a genuine reason to obtain a Firearms Licence. This can be target shooting, hunting or collecting. They perform a BG check in relation to criminal history and medical health.
Book and pass a Shooters Course which takes you through everything. Key note here is Pass. They dont pass everyone, if they think the student could be a risk they will just send them home.
After satisfying all that, you STILL need to apply for a Permission To Acquire.

Really the only difference between us and the US is the bolded and the fact the types of weapons we can use are heavily restricted (which I dont have a problem with.)

So your argument about psychos getting guns LEGALLY is dead in the water.


kill all boomers
Dec 4, 2009
Forever UNSW
No he didn't, taking the piss doesn't imply superiority in any form and him getting mad on the internet over nothing was my intention so


Dec 1, 2012
No he didn't, taking the piss doesn't imply superiority in any form and him getting mad on the internet over nothing was my intention so
mmbe i dint put enuff sp33lin errors in there 4 u 2 get da sarcasmz


Addiction Psychiatrist
Nov 10, 2009
I don’t see how that’s any of your business…
Uni Grad
You still have this misconceived idea that if I (or anyone else for that matter) is carrying a knife that im gonna go whip it out whilly nilly and stab someone as soon as they give me the stinkeye. Different scenarios call for different reactions.
If you are carrying a knife with the intent of self-defence then you are also carrying it with the intent to harm another person. Most probably to kill them. You can't argue against that, it's true.
It doesn't matter whether they give you stinkeye or whatever the fuck you call it. Some people get intimidated easier than others, who is to set the line at which you are allowed to stab someone and take their life?

As for the bow thing it still applies to the situation at hand in regards to weapons and defending oneself. If someone was to attack me whilst I had my bow in hand I have no problem letting one off in their foot. It'd pin the sucker to the floor thats for damn sure.
If someone attacked you at a close range and you could get a shot at them with your bow that would just show how little danger you were actually in.

Lol mate there was a shooting in claymore and Macfields, you really think dangerous people dont have firearms already? Id bet my bikes that both shooters were unlicensed and using a blackmarket weapon.
1. ~Campbelltown~
2. I never said that, I said it stops MORE people from getting guns (which is does).

To further the point about laws in regards to firearms:
You must contact the NSW Firearms Registry and ask to receive licence application forms.
Must have a genuine reason to obtain a Firearms Licence. This can be target shooting, hunting or collecting. They perform a BG check in relation to criminal history and medical health.
Book and pass a Shooters Course which takes you through everything. Key note here is Pass. They dont pass everyone, if they think the student could be a risk they will just send them home.
After satisfying all that, you STILL need to apply for a Permission To Acquire.
Really the only difference between us and the US is the bolded and the fact the types of weapons we can use are heavily restricted (which I dont have a problem with.)

So your argument about psychos getting guns LEGALLY is dead in the water.
Wot? No. Wot?
I said what we have now is fine. You just agreed.
What is actually wrong with you?

No he didn't, taking the piss doesn't imply superiority in any form and him getting mad on the internet over nothing was my intention so
I mostly just wanted an excuse to call you Christiana and see if n0c0l0 would bring feminism into the debate somehow.


Premium Member
Jan 27, 2009
Moving away from guns because a few think its too easy to own and use legally (heh).
OC Spray, tasers and batons.
Two of those are illegal to own, all are considered prohibited weapons and thus illegal to conceal.
Would you use one of those?


Well-Known Member
Jun 28, 2010
Anyone seen Django Unchained? The gun that Dr Schultz carries

Alexis Texas

Mar 26, 2012
we're not talking about defending your self in a gun duel. It's not a race to get your gun out before they shoot you. if someone pulls a gun on you you do what they tell you to (I guess)

and harming someone with a weapon is not the same as self defence.
The law is about intent. The intent to harm someone and doing so is illegal. but if you're put in a situation where the only way to protect yourself is to harm the other person, that is self defence and you cannot be charged for that (unless the other person sues but i mean if you're genuinely defending yourself then they won't have a leg to stand on)

they are two completely different things and you cannot argue otherwise. Owning a weapon to protect yourself and owning one to harm others are, i stress, *completely* different things.

Unless you're a psychopath.

And i mean it's not about using it, say some young riff raff comes up to you and tries to rob you or fight you (your average teenage hoodlum would not be carrying a weapon, i guess. this is from my experience in the inner west where there are *lots* of lads and up in newcastle where everyone is poor and scum bogans) so if you pull out a knife or gun i'm going to say they will run for the hills.

it's not just about using it, that is a LAST resort. but merely having it sends a message to whoever may try to harm you. Don't mess with me.

i feel like this is all common sense but i guess ~~~~it's not that common~~~~


Dec 13, 2011
Just wondering...

If someone was trying to steal something from you without a weapon, would harming them with a weapon be seen as self defence?

Just trying to form my opinion on this issue:)

a c

Jan 25, 2012
Just wondering...

If someone was trying to steal something from you without a weapon, would harming them with a weapon be seen as self defence?)
No, you'd almost certainly be convicted of a criminal offense under Australian law.

a c

Jan 25, 2012
Alexis texas said:
And i mean it's not about using it, say some young riff raff comes up to you and tries to rob you or fight you (your average teenage hoodlum would not be carrying a weapon, i guess. this is from my experience in the inner west where there are *lots* of lads and up in newcastle where everyone is poor and scum bogans) so if you pull out a knife or gun i'm going to say they will run for the hills.~
And if he doesn't run and you use it, years of imprisonment.

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