Israel troops admit Gaza abuses (1 Viewer)


New Member
Aug 13, 2008
Palestine does not exist, that is true, but it is ludicrous to claim that no one owned the land before Israel stepped in.

Sorry mate but before attempting to disprove any legitamite claim Israel has to the land you should know a few things about the regions history. And i dont mean looking at the distorted Palestinian or heck even the israeli revisionist views - both of which have been disproved and discounted by sheer biased use of sources and intentional distortions of facts.

but its impossible to convince people so adamant in their views that they reach the point of ignorance percieving their own subjective disproved view as right.

Israel has legitamacy their is no way to disprove that. and Palestinians, i empathise with them however unfortunately they are refugees of wars fought throughout Israels history all of whom had the opportunity to live in peace but rather listened to their arab bretheren in 1948 to leave israel and come back with the victorious arab armies. those who did not leave live good lives in israel those who did leave are now stuck.
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Epic Member
Aug 5, 2006
In ^that^ post: absolutely no content. Not one important element or piece of verifiable information cited, just more unsubstantiated BS.
Israel has legitamacy their is no way to disprove that.
I just have several times in this thread.
rather listened to their arab bretheren in 1948 to leave israel and come back with the victorious arab armies. those who did not leave live good lives in israel those who did leave are now stuck.
Really? So the Arabs that populated that land handed over the deeds to their lands to Israel? Because that's the only way Israel can legitmately claim that land. Otherwise everytime I left my house I could have a bunch of squatters take it over at laugh "har har har, you left. all your bases belong to us!". Not to mention my doubts that they would leave their lands (the source of their lively hood) by choice as opposed to coercion by an invading force.

And re: bolded
The ex-Arabs still in Israel lead good lives? Yeah, I'm sure the populous of East Jeruselm might feel differently.

Following the 1967 annexation, Israel conducted a census in East Jerusalem and granted permanent Israeli residency to those Arab Jerusalemites present at the time of the census. Those not present lost the right to reside in Jerusalem. Jerusalem Palestinians were permitted to apply for Israeli citizenship, provided they met the requirements for naturalization -- such as swearing allegiance to Israel and renouncing all other citizenships -- which most of them refused to do. At the end of 2005, 93% of the Arab population of East Jerusalem had permanent residency and 5% had Israeli citizenship.[21]
As residents, East Jerusalemites rejecting Israeli citizenship have the right to vote in municipal elections and play a role in the administration of the city. Residents pay taxes, and following a 1988 Israeli Supreme Court ruling, East Jerusalem residents are guaranteed the right to social security benefits and state health care.
Until 1995, those who lived abroad for more than seven years or obtained residency or citizenship in another country were deemed liable to lose their residency status. In 1995, Israel began revoking permanent residency status from former Arab residents of Jerusalem who could not prove that their "center of life" was still in Jerusalem. This policy was rescinded four years later after it was discovered that more Arabs were moving back in order to retain their status. In March 2000, the Minister of the Interior, Natan Sharansky, stated that the "quiet deportation" policy would cease, the prior policy would be reverted, and Arab natives to Jerusalem would be able to regain residency[22] if they could prove that they have visited Israel at least once every three years. Since December 1995, permanent residency of more than 3,000 individuals "expired," leaving them with neither citizenship nor residency.[22] Despite changes in policy under Sharansky, in 2006 the number of former Arab Jerusalemites to lose their residency status was 1,363, a sixfold increase on the year before.[23] The loss of status is automatic and sometimes occurs without their knowledge.
According to the Israeli human rights organization B'Tselem, since the 1990s, policies that made construction permits harder to obtain for Arab residents have caused a housing shortage which force many of them to seek housing outside East Jerusalem.[24] Furthermore, East Jerusalem residents that are married to residents of the West Bank and Gaza have had to leave Jerusalem to join their husbands and wives due to the citizenship law. Furthermore, many have had to leave Jerusalem in search of work abroad since, in the aftermath of the Second Intifada East Jerusalem has increasingly been cut off from the West Bank and thereby has lost its main economic hub.[25] Israeli journalist Shahar Ilan argues that this outmigration has led many Palestinians in East Jerusalem to lose their permanent residency status.[26]
According to the American Friends Service Committee and Marshall J. Breger, such restrictions on Palestinian planning and development in East Jerusalem are part of Israel's policy of promoting a Jewish majority in the city.[27][28] On May 13, 2007, the Israeli Cabinet began discussion regarding a proposition to expand Israel's presence in East Jerusalem and boost its economy so as to attract Jewish settlers. In order to facilitate more Jewish settlement in East Jerusalem, the Cabinet is now considering an approximately 5.75 billion NIS plan to reduce taxes in the area, relocate a range of governmental offices, construct new courthouses, and build a new center for Jerusalem studies.[29] Plans to construct 25,000 Jewish homes in East Jerusalem are in the development stages. As Arab residents are hard-pressed to obtain building permits to develop existing infrastructure or housing in East Jerusalem, this proposition has received much criticism.
East Jerusalem - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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Oct 15, 2008
I fucking love Israel. Light of democracy and freedom in the middle east. Sometimes to make an omelette you've got to break a few eggs, though, you know what I'm saying.
By saying this you are basically a murderer at heart.

Do you know this?


Mar 9, 2009
One must understand the history of the Jew. Throughout late 19th century and early 20th century an identity was being defined by the Jewish community across Europe. all at once the Jew becomes liberal and begins to rave about the necessary progress of mankind.
But give them a sniff of power and see the rage they possess. They become far right dangerous entities of our word. In modern day layman terms this is the Zionist. Stay away from them. The Palestinians have suffered for so long, but when god willing, the Palestinian will be free.
The palestinian's don't, and never did, exist. Sorry.


Feb 5, 2009
Retirement Village of Alaska
One must understand the history of the Jew. Throughout late 19th century and early 20th century an identity was being defined by the Jewish community across Europe. all at once the Jew becomes liberal and begins to rave about the necessary progress of mankind.
But give them a sniff of power and see the rage they possess. They become far right dangerous entities of our word. In modern day layman terms this is the Zionist. Stay away from them. The Palestinians have suffered for so long, but when god willing, the Palestinian will be free.
Palestinians must no longer be a play object for Israel.

The palestinian's don't, and never did, exist. Sorry.
This is why Israel must fall.


And when did 'cohesiveness', however you would define that here, become a pre-condition for nationhood? I fail to see how, even if they are but 'remainder-Ottomans', this gives other peoples the right to dispossess, oppress and suppress them.

In addition, during the 20th century their has been a development of a Palestinian national identity, and considering that many nations of the world are composed of strong, parochial and often disparate peoples, to deny them the right to this or simply to claim that it doesn't exist 'at all' (even if it is quite weak) is absurd.
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Active Member
Feb 19, 2007
I'm sorry that you object to people stating facts, but the Palestinians were never a cohesive group of people and would be best described as 'remainder-ottomans'.
Fucking lol, that absolutely rubbish!!

silly boy!


Mar 9, 2009
The "war crimes" claims have now been definitively demolished by none other than Danny Zamir himself- the man who brought the soldiers' accounts to Haaretz- in his Jerusalem Post editorial:


Mar 16, 2008
^ Because Israel kills more, and are far more aggressive and irresponsible, especially for a country that constantly takes the moral high ground. Fucking sacks of shit I hate Israel.


May 6, 2004
Since when is the amount of people they kill relevant.

How is 7 jews better than 500 paletinians?

Both are equally morally reprehensible.


Since when is the amount of people they kill relevant.

How is 7 jews better than 500 paletinians?

Both are equally morally reprehensible.
If that's the case, then the couple of million killed in the Holocaust can be equated to the murder of Lewis Moran.
Just to throw an analogy, you are simply saying you would rather win $10 in the lottery, rather than $1 000 000.
Numbers, my friend, particularly these numbers, determine the morality of the people perpetrating the murders.
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Israel has a right to self-defense, though, right?

Just like any other nation, right?

Also this thread is bs as the claims have been thoroughly debunked and proven to be false.


Self-defence? Pah!
Israel is a group who created a Palestinian diaspora, displaced millions and murdered countless. Thus, they are the criminals who have broken almost every existing human rights law. They are war criminals and have committed crimes against humanity.
It's cause and effect. They attacked first ... then the obvious comes along ... Palestine retaliates in defence because they have 'a right to self-defense, though, right?'
Then Israel attacks. What are they defending themselves from?
Is the obvious not clear to you? Are your senses hindered in some way? Palestinians are defending Palestine. Their roots, their ancestory, their home, their land, their soil, right down to the olive trees.

Because using white phosphorous against innocents, or any human for that matter, is self-defence? Pitiful self-defence! Bombing schools and killing non-combatants is surely self-defence!

Are they defending themselves from a people who can only mostly throw rocks in their defence?

What stirs me, and keeps me awake at night, is the irony of the occupation. The Jews fled from the Nazi regime, only to inflict and put people through the same pain and suffering they endured.

'Just because I'm Jew' they say.

Well, is it just because I'm Palestinian? I reply.

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