Muslim People in Australia (1 Viewer)

Simpson Freak

Sep 13, 2004
dilroy said:
Muslims just need to be educated properly, a lot of them are very dumb and need some sense knocked into them. I live in Western Sydney, Auburn/Berala to be exact and I'm no fan of Mohammad, God and religion all together as it is the cause of the worlds insanity.
In this part of town the Muslims are a very rude and arrogant bunch, of course you would have the odd ones out who are normal and possibly some that would become doctors and so on, but the rest of the idiots would become low wage morons and then produce a lot of offspring to claim government benefits. There are a lot of Asians here I have to admit, but they are doing good for the economy and are an ambitious bunch.

However, it feels like the majority of Muslims are letting down the country, as if there is a leash attached to them like a two year old child that doesn't want to age.
They demand so much from the government and the community, yet they only care about themselves. Take for instance, I have two mates and one is an Asian Australian and another Anglo Australian, both are doing trade courses in TAFE but when they go job seeking they were all rejected by Middle-Eastern employers, however a Middle-Eastern apprentice would easily be able to find a job in any trade as they are all related somehow and they control most of the trade works in Sydney.
They say they are being treated like second class citizens by Australians, but they themselves treat women like second class citizens, even their own wives for that matter.
They have no manners and are rude to staff, they will call you racist in stores if you don't serve them properly... and they do the usual park in the middle of the road to talk to a mate when there is plenty of parking on the side thing.
They say they can't accept the Australian way of life, they are against valentines day, they destroy the items outside your house that you want to donate to a Christmas charity, they will egg your house around here if you place Christmas lightings sometimes... and now this cartoon stuff? They always relate to violence... it's in their blood. Did I mention they have no respect for any other religion besdies themselves?
I could go on for ages...

It's not only happening here in Australia... check the Paris riots, southern Thailand conflict, USA, Spain, England, Indonesia...
People say it's disgraceful what the Anglos have done in Cronulla, I myself am not a supporter of it, but there are people in Europe and Asia that apparently say we are brave for standing up against them. I was suprised to hear that from the opinions of many overseas people.

Of course there would be people from Perth, Adelaide and Brisbane who believe I'm being totally unfair. Just like how I think South Africans are cool, but how people in Perth find them arrogant.
You got to know them before you judge them, those Muslims that manage to branch away from the west turn out good, but the ones that enclose themselves and trap themselves within will most likely end up a lost soul.
Well most of what you said about the apparent bad morals and vices of these "muslims" are more to do with parental/social influences instead of religious ones.

I talked to a lebanese male that I met in a tutoring class, after seeing his questionable morals and foul mouth, i asked him if he is muslim, he basically said yes but showed much shame. I was angered to see someone who has morals so different to my own and yet claims he is part of the same religion as I. He probably knows nothing about the teachings of his religion, or atleast very little, so how can you say that his religion causes him to act his way.

Its completely stupid to assume that any part of Islam condones what is wrong in such ghettos. Such racial tensions have been around in many societies and still are. There is nothing in Islam that would make people egg the houses of those with christmas lights, muslims believe in Jesus anyway, why should they care if you celebrate his birth. Its basic human nature, they attack what they do not understand.

And why would anyone call attacking women and men that even looked like they have a middle-eastern background be called "standing up"

The cartoon stuff is completely different i was listening to an american muslim professor and she herself said that the VIOLENT protests are coming from mainly shut off middle eastern countries, where their media most likely exaggerate the situation. She said that the ones in the west have given more moderate responses.

I dont know if the riots in Paris are the same reason for the ones here, in paris, there is a strict class order, where the poor remain poor and the rich remain rich, most journalists show that the reason why these people rebel are not because they are muslim but because they have basically lost hope.

In australia, i understand what you mean when you say that so many youths from the middle east are an economic drain on the country, but then again you can only blame the parents, who could not give a rats where their children are at night, and whether they are going right in school. Which is an outrage and hypocritical of these "muslims" since Knowledge and Education are highly regarded in Islam.

My mother, a devout muslim, usually says that "arabs are a dirty people", when i question her statement, she says she is not racist, but you can see it in society how so many turn out so bad.

My main argument is that all the problems that you have mentioned that middle-easterners have caused are not condoned by their religion but more just by their social environment. I dont know who started it, but they do something bad, and they get labelled as animals, and usually they just do worse things, which supports the stereotypes even more.

My dad usually says that asians and indians/curries (lots of which are muslim) have a good strong work ethic which has been passed down by their parents. He thinks chinese, japanese and koreans are good ethical people and yet he thinks vietnamese people are less tolerable and more immoral, clearly these are just stereotypes that he has gained through his experience with people.

Exactly the same way that you see these scum who for some damn reason still call themselve muslim, give all of us a bad rep. I scolded that lebanese male for making my religion look bad because of his cultural ethics, but what would he care.

And as for the problems caused by religion, i sincerely think if people couldnt use religion to justify their own rationale, they will just use something else.

And why are you saying "you got to know them before yo judge them", you shoudnt judge people anyway, and if you are so compelled that you just have to, are you myopic that you think the stereotypes of a race can justify you viewing the entire people in that way, afterall then you would be the one turning people away from a job because of their race.

oya and about middle easteners calling other people racist when they arent treated the way they want, its kinda common in any society, like you see comedy movies in the US about black people doing that.

Ultimately, i dont know if i would be viewed as a middle eastern or not, like my country is above Iran but closely related to turkey, anyway i noticed that the difference between me and someone else, is that my parents push me to be the best i can be.....o dear that sounds so cliche'd but anyway i guess the parents of most of these middle easteners could not care what type of person their kids will become, or maybe they have so many of their own problems that they have no time for their kids...well i would say to them to stop having kids if they cant take care of them, but just like countries that have a very poor lower class they usually use copulation as a method to forget their troubles, i see some of those tv shows like fat pizza, that depict these middle eastern people that are basically lost souls...however, its basically their social community that makes them act that way, not their Religion. You say they exclude others, and yet you dont realise that Islam was the first of the Abrahamic faiths that did include others.

A good point that i remembered, that these people usually dont even care about their religion nor do they understand it, and so when something appears that is different, ie christmas lighting, their insecurities about their religion and about their pathetic existence usually causes them to be amoral and violent. Once again, ITS NOT CONDONED BY THEIR RELIGION.
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funniest bunny in th land
Jul 2, 2004
universe realm 23 i.e outta this realm
dilroy, First you claim that mulisms are "the rest of the idiots would become low wage morons" contributing insignificant amounts to society. However then you go on later to claim that "they control most of the trade works in Sydney." Now, going by sheer common sense, this means that they are contributing a great deal to soceity, finanicaly as well as creating jobs.

"Middle-Eastern employers, however a Middle-Eastern apprentice would easily be able to find a job " Once again, you are implying that middle-eastern people contribute much to society. Well, it's obvuious employers will be persuaded by what country emplyees come from. This is not an utopian society. People will always discriminate against religion, country etc.

"They demand so much from the government and the community, yet they only care about themselves." How often have you seen people, mainly anglo sax...people, on current affairs programs living in housing state commisions and claiming huge unemplyment benefits. They are even asking the government for money so that parents can be more supportive.

"They have no manners and are rude to staff, they will call you racist in stores if you don't serve them properly... " What other reason is there that causes an emplyee to not serve someone properly, probably many, but the main answer is racism.

Although it is most unforunate that this is happening, this is occuring in many communities

"People say it's disgraceful what the Anglos have done in Cronulla, I myself am not a supporter of it, but there are people in Europe and Asia that apparently say we are brave for standing up against them." Hmm...brave..of course, only when they have like a thousand people behind them. Then again, most of the middle eastern people were also in gangs whilst creating violence.

The REAL question is why do YOU refer to the people in aussie riots as "anglos", and not by their religion, and then refer to middle-eastern gangs as "muslims". You constantly refer middle-eastern people as "muslims", and create a sense that this is fault created by the muslim religion You can't justify urself in saying that it was a religious situation, as the life guard bashing was a race-realated violence not religious.

They may be muslims, but no one calls the alleged murderer in NZ, "the christian" or dick chenay "the christian"...however if they were muslim you would probably refer to them as mulsim, hmm...yea "the muslim who attempted to spark riots throughout america, yet realised that no one gives a dam" then why don't you as well as other people, refer to them according to what country they seem to come from or just refer to them as "middle eastern".

After watching Fat pizza and viewing the riots on tv, it's pretty obvious, as simposon freak says, that the majority of violence is from one specific community. Rather than describing them as muslims, maybe you should be more specific, because the majority of azherbijan, pakistan, indian people i know whom are muslim are in fact hard-working and decent that are opposed to violence. dear me...cliched but very appropriate here
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Active Member
Jul 26, 2002
funnybunny said:
The REAL question is why do YOU refer to the people in aussie riots as "anglos", and not by their religion, and then refer to middle-eastern gangs as "muslims". You constantly refer middle-eastern people as "muslims", and create a sense that this is fault created by the muslim religion You can't justify urself in saying that it was a religious situation, as the life guard bashing was a race-realated violence not religious.
It's an issue of identity - if the individual/s in question identify themselves in a particular way, then it's to be expected that they will be represented within the media in such a manner.


funniest bunny in th land
Jul 2, 2004
universe realm 23 i.e outta this realm
Actually it is incredulous to say that they idenity themselves as muslims, because as simpson freak said what they do contradicts the muslim faith. It is also not a religous situation but one based on race/cultural violence. They identitfy themeselves more as "superior middle-easterners" etc. Besides the media represetns them as "middle eastern men", not muslim, it is only racist ppl that do otherwise :)
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Simpson Freak

Sep 13, 2004
Generator said:
It's an issue of identity - if the individual/s in question identify themselves in a particular way, then it's to be expected that they will be represented within the media in such a manner.
So i suppose i will call the KKK christians the next time they attack african americans, since they consider themselves to be true christians.


Feb 3, 2006
funnybunny said:
dilroy, First you claim that mulisms are "the rest of the idiots would become low wage morons" contributing insignificant amounts to society. However then you go on later to claim that "they control most of the trade works in Sydney." Now, going by sheer common sense, this means that they are contributing a great deal to soceity, finanicaly as well as creating jobs.

"They have no manners and are rude to staff, they will call you racist in stores if you don't serve them properly... " What other reason is there that causes an emplyee to not serve someone properly, probably many, but the main answer is racism.

The REAL question is why do YOU refer to the people in aussie riots as "anglos", and not by their religion, and then refer to middle-eastern gangs as "muslims". You constantly refer middle-eastern people as "muslims", and create a sense that this is fault created by the muslim religion You can't justify urself in saying that it was a religious situation, as the life guard bashing was a race-realated violence not religious.

They may be muslims, but no one calls the alleged murderer in NZ, "the christian" or dick chenay "the christian"...however if they were muslim you would probably refer to them as mulsim, hmm...yea "the muslim who attempted to spark riots throughout america, yet realised that no one gives a dam" then why don't you as well as other people, refer to them according to what country they seem to come from or just refer to them as "middle eastern".
Too long to quote it all, and now to clear things up lol. Firstly, I am a non-religious person, and I tend to write my posts without revising them, so I do apologise.

I don't like to refer to them as Middle-Eastern people because I know a lot of Lebanese Christians who are good people and we respect each other and enjoy socialising with each other even though we are of different backgrounds and also being non-religious people.
For example... when we first moved from Strathfield to Berala (stupid thing to do yes, but we are collecting good rent money from the house in Strathfield), we received a suprise welcome from our two nearby Lebanese neighbours with some good Lebanese food.
When asking Non-Muslim Middle-Eastern workers to come over and do the plumbing and electrical work at our house, they are always friendly towards us and always do a good job. And the thing is a lot of them are quiet succesful through trade jobs.
However when compared to the Islamic community, there is a huge contrast in their attitudes towards us. I try to be nice to them and adjust the way I communicate with them to gain their respect, but for some reason they always remain the same.

From previously living in Strathfield, I never used to socialise with Muslim people because there were none living in the area, it was peaceful all the way. But sadly from my experience in the west, it's a different story.

Yes the Muslims from India, United Arab Emirates, Qatar, Jordan, Bahrain etc... are all good Muslims from my personal experience but the ones from poorer Middle-Eastern nations are normally the more idiotic and extreme types. When I went for a holiday to Dubai and Bahrain, the people living there were very nice towards us and there was a great contrast to the trash you see living in south-west Sydney.

Yes as some of you have stated, for the ones that have turned out wrong, it has got a lot to do with their parents... but the thing is a lot of Muslim parents are very nice people as well, it's just the new generation that is destroying the reputation. Maybe it's just that they couldn't give a stuff about what their kids do, maybe they have got too many kids to take care of because I know Muslim families are somehow extremely large, or maybe because they marry their own cousins and pass on the 'stupidity' genes onto their kids.


Dec 31, 2005
A land far far away
dilroy said:
Muslims just need to be educated properly, a lot of them are very dumb and need some sense knocked into them. I live in Western Sydney, Auburn/Berala to be exact and I'm no fan of Mohammad, God and religion all together as it is the cause of the worlds insanity.
In this part of town the Muslims are a very rude and arrogant bunch, of course you would have the odd ones out who are normal and possibly some that would become doctors and so on, but the rest of the idiots would become low wage morons and then produce a lot of offspring to claim government benefits. There are a lot of Asians here I have to admit, but they are doing good for the economy and are an ambitious bunch.

However, it feels like the majority of Muslims are letting down the country, as if there is a leash attached to them like a two year old child that doesn't want to age.
They demand so much from the government and the community, yet they only care about themselves. Take for instance, I have two mates and one is an Asian Australian and another Anglo Australian, both are doing trade courses in TAFE but when they go job seeking they were all rejected by Middle-Eastern employers, however a Middle-Eastern apprentice would easily be able to find a job in any trade as they are all related somehow and they control most of the trade works in Sydney.
They say they are being treated like second class citizens by Australians, but they themselves treat women like second class citizens, even their own wives for that matter.
They have no manners and are rude to staff, they will call you racist in stores if you don't serve them properly... and they do the usual park in the middle of the road to talk to a mate when there is plenty of parking on the side thing.
They say they can't accept the Australian way of life, they are against valentines day, they destroy the items outside your house that you want to donate to a Christmas charity, they will egg your house around here if you place Christmas lightings sometimes... and now this cartoon stuff? They always relate to violence... it's in their blood. Did I mention they have no respect for any other religion besdies themselves?
I could go on for ages...

It's not only happening here in Australia... check the Paris riots, southern Thailand conflict, USA, Spain, England, Indonesia...
People say it's disgraceful what the Anglos have done in Cronulla, I myself am not a supporter of it, but there are people in Europe and Asia that apparently say we are brave for standing up against them. I was suprised to hear that from the opinions of many overseas people.

Of course there would be people from Perth, Adelaide and Brisbane who believe I'm being totally unfair. Just like how I think South Africans are cool, but how people in Perth find them arrogant.
You got to know them before you judge them, those Muslims that manage to branch away from the west turn out good, but the ones that enclose themselves and trap themselves within will most likely end up a lost soul.

I can assure you that the majority of middle eastern people do not act in the way you are saying, perhaps you believe this as you only realise that they are of middle eastern decent when they act like this (the stereotype of driving a rexy car and all the chains around their necks).
I dont have one of those mullet/shaved on the side haircuts or wear any of those typical lebo chains so if u see me somewhere doing something good you may not identify me as an arab or a muslim.

For example:
A muslim/arab doctor may be walking down the street acting normally and you may not realise that he is muslim/arab.
A retarted youth tryhard might be driving in his rexy with loud music disturbing people and shouting swear words at people outside of the window, you will immediatly identify him as a arab/muslim and therefore you will be under the impression that all arab/muslims act in this way.


Active Member
Jul 26, 2002
Simpson Freak said:
So i suppose i will call the KKK christians the next time they attack african americans, since they consider themselves to be true christians.

The point is that the press only paints people in a particular light if the people themselves readily identify with a particular identity. The KKK is in itself a readily identifiable (and detestable) identity that is quite specific, whereas those who only identify with a particular faith (be it Islam, Christianity or another) are painted in a more general light, a light that they themselves determine.

Feel free to call members of the KKK Christians, but I can see no point in doing so when the identity that they readily express both includes and goes far beyond notions of faith.

Simpson Freak

Sep 13, 2004
dilroy said:
Too long to quote it all, and now to clear things up lol. Firstly, I am a non-religious person, and I tend to write my posts without revising them, so I do apologise.

I don't like to refer to them as Middle-Eastern people because I know a lot of Lebanese Christians who are good people and we respect each other and enjoy socialising with each other even though we are of different backgrounds and also being non-religious people.
For example... when we first moved from Strathfield to Berala (stupid thing to do yes, but we are collecting good rent money from the house in Strathfield), we received a suprise welcome from our two nearby Lebanese neighbours with some good Lebanese food.
When asking Non-Muslim Middle-Eastern workers to come over and do the plumbing and electrical work at our house, they are always friendly towards us and always do a good job. And the thing is a lot of them are quiet succesful through trade jobs.
However when compared to the Islamic community, there is a huge contrast in their attitudes towards us. I try to be nice to them and adjust the way I communicate with them to gain their respect, but for some reason they always remain the same.

From previously living in Strathfield, I never used to socialise with Muslim people because there were none living in the area, it was peaceful all the way. But sadly from my experience in the west, it's a different story.

Yes the Muslims from India, United Arab Emirates, Qatar, Jordan, Bahrain etc... are all good Muslims from my personal experience but the ones from poorer Middle-Eastern nations are normally the more idiotic and extreme types. When I went for a holiday to Dubai and Bahrain, the people living there were very nice towards us and there was a great contrast to the trash you see living in south-west Sydney.

Yes as some of you have stated, for the ones that have turned out wrong, it has got a lot to do with their parents... but the thing is a lot of Muslim parents are very nice people as well, it's just the new generation that is destroying the reputation. Maybe it's just that they couldn't give a stuff about what their kids do, maybe they have got too many kids to take care of because I know Muslim families are somehow extremely large, or maybe because they marry their own cousins and pass on the 'stupidity' genes onto their kids.
Believe me I have had much disagreements with these rat bags, who seem to go violent when ever i outwit them in an argument. They call themselves muslims but when confronted about that, they get even more violent.

u have to realise however its a cycle...a spiral, someone started who cares, but now it just gets worse.

i think you are forgetting that the next generation is getting worse and worse, its common issue on the news of how parents (not jst middle eastern ones) are failing to control their children.

but at the end of the day its still their culture, not their religion that makes this acceptable


In relation to the cartoon uproar. I worked with Muslims for about 2 months whilst I was at a kebab shop. Anyway I asked them about the violence overseas and what they thought.
Every single one of them sympathised with the protesters. If you can find me a Muslim who isn't insane when it comes to this issue, I'll do tricks for a dog bone.


Active Member
Jul 23, 2003
katie_tully said:
In relation to the cartoon uproar. I worked with Muslims for about 2 months whilst I was at a kebab shop. Anyway I asked them about the violence overseas and what they thought.
Every single one of them sympathised with the protesters. If you can find me a Muslim who isn't insane when it comes to this issue, I'll do tricks for a dog bone.
I don't think all of them would sympathise, but they may find it wrong...even some christians would if people made fun of christianity through cartoons, there are some fanatics that go crazy, but i don't think that completely all would go aggressive about it.


Active Member
Dec 10, 2003
see, i can think something is wrong WITHOUT supporting people acting violently though. Thats the clear is that difference? Not all, but too many, even if not part of violence, seem to have an attitude that its understandable that they're burning embassies, or the recent news out of Nigeria that mobs are tracking down and killing Christians.


Christians don't burn down embassy's and shoot people whenever something controversial is printed about Jesus.
If they did, there woul be 1000 separate riots a day.

I fail to see the comparison.


Feb 2, 2005
davin said:
see, i can think something is wrong WITHOUT supporting people acting violently though. Thats the clear is that difference? Not all, but too many, even if not part of violence, seem to have an attitude that its understandable that they're burning embassies, or the recent news out of Nigeria that mobs are tracking down and killing Christians.
violence done my muslims, is in fact in relation to the intifada (thanks to the jews). this method has proven to catch the attention of the world (whether a negative or postive impact) and as such these ppl feel its a method to gets things done. All of course jews fault.


Active Member
Dec 10, 2003
ah yes, everything is the Jews fault somehow.

of course, i don't see how whast going on in Nigeria with christians being killed is the Jews fault when, near as i can tell, theres a statistically insignificant amount of Jews in the country.


Feb 2, 2005
davin said:
ah yes, everything is the Jews fault somehow.

of course, i don't see how whast going on in Nigeria with christians being killed is the Jews fault when, near as i can tell, theres a statistically insignificant amount of Jews in the country.
jews , everything is their fault- saying that would be wrong:

Everything was , Britain's , America (run by jews) and Jews fault

there done.


Active Member
Dec 10, 2003
HotShot reminds me of every story I've heard about someone homophobic turning out to be closeted gay....except in a Jewish way


Jesus was Jewish. Apparently. If you believe that crap. So why does everyody hate on Jews? Except for the fact they're dodgy businessmen who will rip you off by a few million.


Active Member
Dec 10, 2003
well, HotShot is still under some bizarre notion that they run the United States, so there's that.....
And there's no apparently, Jesus was definitly Jewish....Jews have just always been the scapegoat...they were killed in large numbers during the plague, even en route to crusades crusaders cleared out some pockets of Jews.


Feb 2, 2005
davin said:
well, HotShot is still under some bizarre notion that they run the United States, so there's that.....
And there's no apparently, Jesus was definitly Jewish....Jews have just always been the scapegoat...they were killed in large numbers during the plague, even en route to crusades crusaders cleared out some pockets of Jews.
yeah jews are dickheads.

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