Wow, what happened to this thread? It's grown like a patch of bacteria experiencing exponential growth and decay!
So much to say, and i can't be bothered looking back over the last 6 pages to see who i was gonna quote so i'll just sorta make it up.
I'm sure silvermoon or someone alike said something about english/maths/lack of maths or something. Or maybe it was Tina? Anyhoo,...
Oooh yeah, it was something like about the 3U forums and their talking about the maths test? Anyways, i've decided to bring them here!
So, how'd we all like the 3U test?
Ok, what next?
Oooh, Tina said something about mathsman. I can't remember exactly what u said Tina (sorry, I WAS paying attention, there's just so much i've read in the last half-hour). Well, im sure that my presence here is something in response to what u said.
Ooh, Kirsti did something where she said about how everyone went to the same school and does/doesn't do ancient, but left me out, grrr, i participate somewhat, even if i don't post a dozen times in a row
That's gotta be about all by now. If anyone thinks that i left anything out please tell me.
Oooh, oh yeah. Tina also said something about no more english, maths and chem ever. I just thought i'd try to rebuke that.
Well, in terms of english, i don't think u'll find a single typo in this overly sized post (**hopes for no typoes**

) Umm, maths? That's what i'm here for, it's unavoidable, like, umm, don't worry, i can't think of a good enough analogy there. And chem, well, im sure there's some kind of electrostatic attraction that keeps pulling me back to this thread. Oh, wait. That's physics isn't it? Pah, doesn't matter. It's all the same, we all do physics anyways

(looks subtly at Tina).
Hmm, how do you look at someone subtly? Anyhoo, this is getting to long for anyone to bother reading now.
I shoulda just broken it up into 50-or-so posts, it would've looked much better.
Okay, Mathsmans is outta here, back to mechanics...