May I just say that I am absolutely impressed by all your work I've seen here...
Not-too-bright: I'm still not over how impressive yours were. are you entering in digital imaging or graphic design? what is the difference? =S
mz_bubbletea: nice! do I see a hint of self-obsession there? =P did you do it in photoshop? it's interesting that you're submitting it as painting. 81 canvases! =0
Artfag: you did yours on the computer? or is it a combination of drawing and digital? it looks WOW. Are you going to enter it into digital imaging?
Jase: oil painting? very impressive =) I have so much respect for painters cos I can't do that at all... but you know, if you don't have time to finish you can always submit the photoshop subtitutions, just work it into your concept somehow!
SuGa BunI: I agree with not-too-bright there, "7 deadly sins" just sound too cliched. maybe you can do a word play on that title?
ok, here we go, my bits, I haven't finished them all, this is 5/7. I have some small tiles too.
I've called up many places, and the cheapest place will print everything for $130, the most expensive place wanted me to pay $600 =O
I don't have any titles yet...
Feedback is very welcome!