Ahaha the perks of being involved in an ensemble at school

- casually eating in a music room even though we're technically not allowed to because we're senior music students

My teachers this year are alright-
English- at the beginning of the year, she was a frightening lady, and I swear she was judging us instead of trying to help us. However, obviously she like poetry or something because she's actually trying to help us improve. So I guess she's alright now.
Maths- OMG MY TEACHER IS AMAZING - and it's great cause I get how she explains concepts and I have her for 2u and 3u

Chem- alright. She's very to the point in regards to how hard it is "chemistry is a hard subject. More than half of you will fail."- her advice at the beginning of the year.
Bio- uses PowerPoint slides and handouts every lesson with the occasional prac or some other activity, but I find it alright to learn this way.
Music- I don't think I could ask for a better music teacher.
Geo- Seriously, who doesn't love a teacher that gives you food and feedback whenever you need it? Turned in my geography project today and she gave a us a bag of surprises- glow sticks and lollies and seeds- yes seeds- that we could grow. Omg she's amazing!
So yeah. I'm content.