As soon as their is some vague discrepancy with price, old women (it's always old women) butt in with a "I get it for free then. Yes, I get it for free. If it scans wrong, I get it for free" in their horrible, arrogant, i've-got-one-over-Woolworths tone.
It happened yesterday when the guy serving put in the Imperial mandarins instead of the Clementines and I was like "no you don't because he just pressed the wrong button, it wasn't advertised incorrectly and you're still getting the mandarins at the special price", in a really sweet, sickly tone.
Her mouth opened and shut a few times and then she was just like "oh". No, "oh sorry, i'm such a fucking tight-arse I really should read the policy properly and get my facts straight before I quote straight from tabloid current affairs programs".
And I'm thinking about writing to Michael Luscombe and making it that trolleys are officially banned from express lanes. I'm so over old ladies with only six items in their trolleys blocking the whole lane.
Also, when I love customers: i was serving these two girls and one was telling her friend how "this sweet old lady couldn't reach far enough into the freezer to get out her ice cream and she asked me if i could get on my tippy-toes and fetch it for her. I said 'get it yourself you lazy bitch'"
Then i loled and she was like 'not really, I said 'suurreee'.
Only funny thing that happened all day.