townie said:
our store manager is on $55k i think + company car
You SM is at the wrong store lol!
Ours takes home well over 120k plus a brand new commodore, brand new house for only 50 bucks a week free power etc etc.
And lets not get started on how much the managers get in bonuses!!!
Most Dept Managers are on around 50k a year, Perishables is the worst paid along with Deli all other Depts are paid pretty well. But they do get bonuses which can be 5-20k so thats where they make their money.
Our store does well over a million bucks a week and we had a 23% increase in sales from last year last week so think of the $$ the managers are getting out of that.
2IC's dont get shit either!
Re scanning rates: You should be securing your registers for security reasons and it 'pauses' your scanning rate.
My stores giving me the shits at the moment though, we are doing 200k a day and we usually only have like 4-5 operators and no one to call so we have huge q's and management wont let us have staff but winge because there are q's and we are not allowed any overtime at all because too many stores are using it.
Roll on the new financial year!! Roll on January when i move to Perth
hahaha i was running service last week while our S/M was away and i went 4 grand over budget in wages lol and i got a lecture from our area manager on the importance of reducing wage expenditure :rofl: i was trying not to laugh through the whole 'lecture' it was actually amusing being told off when were budgeting the same wages as last year with 23% more sales!!! WTF
Rant over!