Thats awesome! But now its so real that you're leaving
It really occurred to me on Wednesday how sexist front end can be. Seeing as our extended trading may very well become permanent (I won't admit this to anyone but I'm actually pretty happy with it), our CSM as decided to train quite a few operators as supervisors. However, I can see that she's thinking long term, and she's picked two 15 year olds. They'll be good back ups with a bit of training, but I can't keep thinking of another guy who does mostly front end and also perishables/grocery/wherever else needs somebody, who actually DOES want to be a supervisor, and I would feel comfortable training now. He mentioned this to me the other day, and all I could offer was the comment that checkouts is a sexist department in some respects, seeing as in three and a half years I've seen two male supervisors come through, one of whom was CSM. Its not like I'm the only one who sees his potential, but yeah, my opinion counts for nothing.
Everyone who I suggested straight up was rejected with some pathetic excuse

Like, "Oh, we can't really take him out of bakery", "Oh, then we'd have to train another smokeshop operator", "Oh, he's in perishables now". So lets have really shy 15 year olds instead??? Is there even a point in looking long term with 15 year old casuals?