Hey I was at work today and CSM is telling me that a major boss is coming to visit next Saturday. According to her he's higher up than Marty, but below CEO, who would it be, I ask you Sydney people?? Anyway so she's rostered herself on randomly from 10 - 2 , the 3IC is doing open - 11, but I'm secondary supervisor from 8-6! I better remember to shave.
She says he's coming re: refurb. We were meant to have it complete by July but then it was postponed til 2011, but now she says they're looking at next year. Which is good because I keep getting blood noses cos its so hot and apparently they're not going to bother doing a proper fix of the air conditioning until the refurb.
Also, just to whinge, one of the office cashiers is SO SLOW doing change orders! Today she'd been there for two hours, hadn't asked for changed orders so we buzzed her and she said she's still doing the pick ups! And last week at about 6.30 the change order buttons were still yellow! (she'd been there since 3). Eurgh.
And is there such thing as a temporary full time contract? The plan next year is to transfer back to my old store, then work there until April/May upon which time I fuck off overseas. Do ya reckonn they would give me full time for that short period, or would I be better off without it? They'd probs give me heaps of hours anyway cos they always used to. And they only have three full time supervisors.
Very long post bye bye now.