What kind of nasty things do you say to him? Do you throw him into the canned soup and spit on him and stuff?
I know it's so awkward when people are like "oh is this your first day?":mad1:
Except on Saturday this customer was like "You're waaaay too friendly. You obviously haven't been working here long. Either that or you're completely nuts."
Today was great, as soon as i got to work the CSM went home with a headache (actually she went to lunch, five minutes later i get a call from her boyfriend saying she's not coming back, v werid, and really awkward when i accidentally rang her while trying to replace her, she was just like "wtf!"), so I was CSM all day. I love being in control, can i just say. I went through our lost property and rang up banks in relation to left behind credit cards and even got to chop a couple up! Mega-exciting.
But then i got home and Malcolm Turnbull had resigned. Traumatised.
Every single person in my store seems to have an issue with him, its not just me. His attitude is absolutely disgusting. He's only been grocery 2IC for say six months, but his ego is the size of Greg and Marty's combined. So lets just say I'm not at all nice to him.
So its a long running story, but my part in it yesterday was that there was a massive ad in yesterdays paper saying 50% off easter eggs. But of course, we'd already updated our tickets with the 50% (so they were now clearance tickets). So he's over at the display, and he's telling customers that its 50% off, they're then coming through the checkout complaining about the prices. When we explained that its already reflected in the tickets most people were okay, but this one woman was not. Anyway, in this time, our groc 2IC was hovering and doing shit all around the service desk, and this woman protested that "that guy" told her 50%. He then says to me, oh yeah if it hasn't scanned at 50% then its scanning policy, takes the receipt and product, and starts to process it. But of course, it comes up with a supervisor box, at which point I rip them back out of his hand and start explaining it AGAIN to the lady. But, seeing as she's heard the magic words "scanning policy", she starts again (thank you ACA for educating the average bogan, you've made my job 10x easier).
I then went around the corner and got our SM, and not so politely asked him to come and help me. When my SM starts telling me that if the groc 2IC is saying scanning policy, its scanning policy, I was really not very nice about it. I don't even know what I said, but pretty much something along the lines that he doesn't even know what he's talking about, and he never ever does so why do we have to listen to him.
Unfortunately, that was a bit too loud, lol.
I then had to give the lady her stupid scanning policy, and she was so unbelievably nice to the SM and groc 2IC, and a whiney little bitch to me. I wrote on the slip "THIS IS NOT A SCANNING POLICY, SEE (SM'S NAME)" and put it in the SP sheet.
Later on in the day I called our groc 2ic a zillion times for an express alert, eventually I got hold of him by phone and was like "dude, every other manager is on, every other checkout trained floor staff is on, why the hell do you think noone takes you seriously?"
He never came. But after that he went and dobbed like a whiney 2 year old. He pretty much told the SM that I'm not mature enough to do my job and I need to pull my head in and give managers the respect they deserve. We are the same age, FFS, and I will not treat him like a manager if he isn't going to act like one.
Besides, Service Supervisor beats non salaried dept 2IC in the hierarchy anyway. I should tell him that next time I get a chance.
RANT OVER. I'm just glad that he didn't get duty for the next two weeks (as he wanted, I might not like our NF captain but she will at least leave us alone) while we do extended holiday trade. I would have refused to work, period.
EDIT: I am also devastated about Malcolm Turnbull. Well maybe not devastated, but I'm not even a Liberal supporter, and I quite like him.
EDIT x 2: I manage to bullshit every new manager into thinking I'm this inexperienced, noob supervisor. Thats going to backfire one day.