:\ It shouldn't change between states but here service 60 means a spill/cleanup and service 80 means take the rubbish out.we use our chime button as the alert for service 0
and i dunno how yours sounds but ours goes "ding ding ding" if that makes any sense at all...
speaking of service calls, can we make a list of all of them, dunno how many there are but i only know 3...
0: pick up shit on the floor around you/cleanup
60: hurry up and take your garbage to the back dock cause the rolladoor is open and i wanna go home now.
200: product withdrawal
Emergency evacuationService 70: I forget, we've never used it
It would be handy if everyone knew Service 70 as letting staff know of an impending evacuation before customers know could be handy. eg: All staff please prepare for a Service 70. As for Service 200 one of the stores i've worked at also adds in the recall/withdrawal number to the end, eg: Duty Manager Service 200, Reference xxxx.Oh ok. CheersI'll find a use for it no doubt haha
Our chime button is more of a DING, but is only one sound, and its sorta sounds like part of the fire alarm? It didn't sound anything like a chime. Just this mono-tonal sound, similar to the start of the fire alarm. It went for like half a second.
This is ours:
Service 10: Supervisor Required
Service 20: Customer Service Required
Service 30: Telephone call
Service 40: Price check
Service 50: First Aid
Service 60: Spill/Cleanup
Service 70: I forget, we've never used it
Service 80: Bins
Service 90: Important telephone call for Store Manager
Service 100: SECURITY!
Service 200: Product withdrawal/recall
D ZERO: Destination Zero, same as Service 0. "All staff, D ZERO!"