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muslims prove they're not backwards lunatics; leaglise child marriage (1 Viewer)

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hit patel

New Member
Mar 14, 2012
Uni Grad
Well the world is changing . As long as people dont get that low in their character, you shouldn't stereotype a community based on religion. Atleast that is what I believe.


(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
Apr 4, 2011
I find it quiet amusing, the fact that they are in their 20s-30s and yet so racist/narrow minded.
they have a different opinion that opposes yours/muslims therefore they're racist/narrow minded

nice logic


realest nigga
Jun 10, 2012
ya mum gay
Uni Grad
Why should religions be beyond criticism, no one blinks an eye when a politician is criticised but everyone looses their shit with religion. If a religion is harmful to society it should be criticised.
im not saying dont talk about it and never discuss it, but don't like say your beliefs are wrong and i am right. Unless if you're talking about like something subjective

Do you respect the religions of juche, aum shinrikyo, and heaven's gate?

Do you respect the decisions and choices of Robert Hughes, Rolf Harris, the prophet Mohammed, and Geoffrey Leonard?

Clearly it is a good and fair idea to deride, harass, and humiliate others for their beliefs often, especially in the case of bad religion.
i wasn't talking about decisions like hitler killing people or Hughes sexually assaulting young females, i mean like the choice of religion you can choose wheather to be muslim, catholic or whatever.

however i do agree with "Clearly it is a good and fair idea to deride, harass, and humiliate others for their beliefs often, especially in the case of bad religion" but generally the major religions aren't that bad but religions that practice like human sacrifice or raping one another (i don't know if there is one) is objectively wrong


Jul 3, 2012
Why do you disagree with it? You've clearly stated it was accepted in the prophet mohammeds time, and that if he hypothetically had married a 9 yesr old, you would still believe he is the most perfect person to ever live.

If child marriage was legal and socially accepted today, would you accept the beliefs and practices of those married to children? If you had lived in the prophet mohammeds time, with the knowledge and morals you have today, would you still accept those who practiced child marriage? If you had met the prophet mohammed, and he had told you he intended to marry a child (as was the style of the time), would you see any thing wrong with this decision?

As for my religion, I am a ashkenazi Jewish.
Do I need to re-type what I just said.


hit patel

New Member
Mar 14, 2012
Uni Grad
they have a different opinion that opposes yours/muslims therefore they're racist/narrow minded

nice logic
Opinions have a limit. I am not Muslim and neither am I stereotypical about anyone here and neither am I on anyone's side.


et tu
Mar 6, 2007
Vespucci Beach
Uni Grad
He stated that he disagreed with it like most of us do. The point is, the decision in Iraq hasn't even taken place yet and even the article has three people disagreeing with it. Why don't you understand that this is a MINORITY?
It is a minority, but some of those have become really powerful. e.g Ayotollah Khomeni married a 10 year old girl
and the root of these practices is definitely islam

Also, please, who compares the situation of over 1400 years ago to today?
The people that came up with this proposed law and the people that marry off their prepubescent daughters, like duhhr.

Times were different, conditions were different, ideologies were different.
Yeah but some people think all of Mohammed's actions (like fucking a 9 year old) are morally absolute irrespective of the time and context.

LMAO WTF, then stop with your nonsense, your ridiculing a whole religion due the actions of a small number of people. This law isn't even official. Also I'm pretty sure its not just 'Muslims' justifying this horrendous practice. Read what i posted above mate. I don't support pedophilia, nor do i agree with people being married at that age. You can't ridicule a whole religion due to the actions of the minority. I think its about time you go ridicule "Christianity" and how the pope molests young girls.
The whole law only came up because of religion. The morals in this law is rooted in Islam (might not be your interpretation of Islam but it is for a significant amount of people) and that is why Islam should rightly be criticised.

I would gladly criticise christianity if this thread is about christianity. The old testament is one of the most immoral pieces of literature ever, even more than the quran and that is saying something.


Mar 13, 2012
Never knew Asians also dislike Muslims. (seeing as most you nerds on BOS are Asians, no?)


Aug 13, 2013
Why do you disagree with it? You've clearly stated it was accepted in the prophet mohammeds time, and that if he hypothetically had married a 9 yesr old, you would still believe he is the most perfect person to ever live.

If child marriage was legal and socially accepted today, would you accept the beliefs and practices of those married to children? If you had lived in the prophet mohammeds time, with the knowledge and morals you have today, would you still accept those who practiced child marriage? If you had met the prophet mohammed, and he had told you he intended to marry a child (as was the style of the time), would you see any thing wrong with this decision?

As for my religion, I am a ashkenazi Jewish.
Jews lol.


Mar 13, 2012

Vatican defrocked 400 priests for molesting children

Nearly 400 priests were defrocked by the Vatican over just two years for molesting children, according to a leaked document.

The Vatican has defended the Pope over charges that he failed to act against a priest accused of abusing 200 deaf boys

The Vatican has defended the Pope over charges that he failed to act against allegations of sex abuse

The statistics for 2011 and 2012 show a dramatic increase over the 171 priests removed in 2008 and 2009, when the Vatican first provided details on the number of priests who have been defrocked. Prior to that, it had only publicly revealed the number of alleged cases of sexual abuse it had received and the number of trials it had authorised

The document was obtained by the Associated Press and was prepared from data the Vatican collected to help the Holy See defend itself before a U.N. committee this week in Geneva.

However, Archbishop Silvano Tomasi, the Vatican's U.N. ambassador in Geneva, referred to just one of the statistics in the course of eight hours of questioning from the U.N. human rights committee.

While it's not clear why the numbers spiked in 2011, it could be because 2010 saw a new explosion in the number of cases reported in the media in Europe and beyond.

The statistics were compiled from the Vatican's own annual reports about the activities of its various offices, including the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, which handles sex abuse cases. Although public, the annual reports are not readily available or sold outside Rome and are usually found in Vatican offices or Catholic university libraries.

Related Articles

Pope 'failed to defrock priest who abused 200'
25 Mar 2010

'Safer' not to defrock paedophile priests
16 Apr 2010

Pope Benedict XVI denies sex abuse cover up
26 Mar 2010

A review of the reference books shows a remarkable evolution in the Holy See's in-house procedures to discipline paedophiles since 2001, when the Vatican ordered bishops to send cases of all credibly accused priests to Rome for review.

Then-Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger took action after determining that bishops around the world weren't following church law to put accused clerics on trial in church tribunals. Bishops routinely moved problem priests from parish to parish rather than subject them to canonical trials – or turn them into police.

For centuries, the church has had its own in-house procedures to deal with priests who sexually abuse children. One of the chief accusations from victims is that bishops put the church's own procedures ahead of civil law enforcement by often suggesting victims keep accusations quiet while they are dealt with internally.

The maximum penalty for a priest convicted by a church tribunal is essentially losing his job: being defrocked, or removed from the clerical state. There are no jail terms and nothing to prevent an offender from offending again.

According to the 2001 norms Ratzinger pushed through and subsequent updates, the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith reviews each case sent to Rome and then instructs bishops how to proceed, either by launching an administrative process against the priest if the evidence is overwhelming or a church trial. At every step of the way the priest is allowed to defend himself.

The Congregation started reporting numbers only in 2005, which is where Tomasi's spreadsheet starts off. U.N. officials said Friday that the committee has not received the document.
Last edited:


Jul 3, 2012
I don't really care if Aisha was 19 or 9 or if the practice of pedophilia was moral back then, the fact of the matter is that it sure as hell isn't moral NOW. The problem is that certain Muslims are using the example of Mohammed fucking a 9 year old because they believe that it happened and they are using that to marry/rape children today.

Thankfully most Muslims today find fucking a 9 year old immoral but there are insane people today that justify this horrendous practice because they believe that their dear beloved prophet did it.

Again to reiterate I don't care what Mohammed did or if it was moral then, the problem is that certain muslims today are using this piece of scripture to justify what they are doing and are applying the morals of the 7th century Arabian desert to today.
Out of respect for my religion or anyone's religion, please don't use obscene language in the same line as the Prophet's name. Being a former Muslim, I'm sure you must know how much Islam stresses on respecting other faiths and also because you agree that the conditions were different so there is no need to ridicule the Prophet in such a way.

Now, we won't bring the case with Muhammad (pbuh) into this argument as you agree that times were different.

The thing is, this occurs mostly in developing countries where knowledge is little. The conditions there are saddening and upsetting but our religion only allows for a woman to get married once she has hit puberty. So, it doesn't encourage "pedophilia" of any sort.

Also, those in these developing countries have very little access to an adequate knowledge or Islamic principles and morals.

And even then it's a VERY SMALL MINORITY just like with all other religions so please do not attack only Islam on something so insignificant. (Not saying it's insignificant but seeing it's such a small minority in comparison to the large number of Muslims, it is therefore insignificant)


Mar 13, 2012
Vatican defrocked 400 priests for molesting children

Nearly 400 priests were defrocked by the Vatican over just two years for molesting children, according to a leaked document.

The Vatican has defended the Pope over charges that he failed to act against a priest accused of abusing 200 deaf boys

The Vatican has defended the Pope over charges that he failed to act against allegations of sex abuse

The statistics for 2011 and 2012 show a dramatic increase over the 171 priests removed in 2008 and 2009, when the Vatican first provided details on the number of priests who have been defrocked. Prior to that, it had only publicly revealed the number of alleged cases of sexual abuse it had received and the number of trials it had authorised

The document was obtained by the Associated Press and was prepared from data the Vatican collected to help the Holy See defend itself before a U.N. committee this week in Geneva.

However, Archbishop Silvano Tomasi, the Vatican's U.N. ambassador in Geneva, referred to just one of the statistics in the course of eight hours of questioning from the U.N. human rights committee.

While it's not clear why the numbers spiked in 2011, it could be because 2010 saw a new explosion in the number of cases reported in the media in Europe and beyond.

The statistics were compiled from the Vatican's own annual reports about the activities of its various offices, including the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, which handles sex abuse cases. Although public, the annual reports are not readily available or sold outside Rome and are usually found in Vatican offices or Catholic university libraries.

Related Articles

Pope 'failed to defrock priest who abused 200'
25 Mar 2010

'Safer' not to defrock paedophile priests
16 Apr 2010

Pope Benedict XVI denies sex abuse cover up
26 Mar 2010

A review of the reference books shows a remarkable evolution in the Holy See's in-house procedures to discipline paedophiles since 2001, when the Vatican ordered bishops to send cases of all credibly accused priests to Rome for review.

Then-Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger took action after determining that bishops around the world weren't following church law to put accused clerics on trial in church tribunals. Bishops routinely moved problem priests from parish to parish rather than subject them to canonical trials – or turn them into police.

For centuries, the church has had its own in-house procedures to deal with priests who sexually abuse children. One of the chief accusations from victims is that bishops put the church's own procedures ahead of civil law enforcement by often suggesting victims keep accusations quiet while they are dealt with internally.

The maximum penalty for a priest convicted by a church tribunal is essentially losing his job: being defrocked, or removed from the clerical state. There are no jail terms and nothing to prevent an offender from offending again.

According to the 2001 norms Ratzinger pushed through and subsequent updates, the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith reviews each case sent to Rome and then instructs bishops how to proceed, either by launching an administrative process against the priest if the evidence is overwhelming or a church trial. At every step of the way the priest is allowed to defend himself.

The Congregation started reporting numbers only in 2005, which is where Tomasi's spreadsheet starts off. U.N. officials said Friday that the committee has not received the document.
Christians are paedophiles. Old men molest kids (both girls AND BOYS ;) ) even though they have no relation to the children (such as marriage ;) )

Hmmm. Thousands of priests do this. And Christians follow priests just like Muslims follow their teachers (such as Prophet Muhummad). Therefore Christians are hypocrites.

???????????? What you gotta say now???


et tu
Mar 6, 2007
Vespucci Beach
Uni Grad
Vatican defrocked 400 priests for molesting children

Nearly 400 priests were defrocked by the Vatican over just two years for molesting children, according to a leaked document.

The Vatican has defended the Pope over charges that he failed to act against a priest accused of abusing 200 deaf boys

The Vatican has defended the Pope over charges that he failed to act against allegations of sex abuse

The statistics for 2011 and 2012 show a dramatic increase over the 171 priests removed in 2008 and 2009, when the Vatican first provided details on the number of priests who have been defrocked. Prior to that, it had only publicly revealed the number of alleged cases of sexual abuse it had received and the number of trials it had authorised

The document was obtained by the Associated Press and was prepared from data the Vatican collected to help the Holy See defend itself before a U.N. committee this week in Geneva.

However, Archbishop Silvano Tomasi, the Vatican's U.N. ambassador in Geneva, referred to just one of the statistics in the course of eight hours of questioning from the U.N. human rights committee.

While it's not clear why the numbers spiked in 2011, it could be because 2010 saw a new explosion in the number of cases reported in the media in Europe and beyond.

The statistics were compiled from the Vatican's own annual reports about the activities of its various offices, including the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, which handles sex abuse cases. Although public, the annual reports are not readily available or sold outside Rome and are usually found in Vatican offices or Catholic university libraries.

Related Articles

Pope 'failed to defrock priest who abused 200'
25 Mar 2010

'Safer' not to defrock paedophile priests
16 Apr 2010

Pope Benedict XVI denies sex abuse cover up
26 Mar 2010

A review of the reference books shows a remarkable evolution in the Holy See's in-house procedures to discipline paedophiles since 2001, when the Vatican ordered bishops to send cases of all credibly accused priests to Rome for review.

Then-Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger took action after determining that bishops around the world weren't following church law to put accused clerics on trial in church tribunals. Bishops routinely moved problem priests from parish to parish rather than subject them to canonical trials – or turn them into police.

For centuries, the church has had its own in-house procedures to deal with priests who sexually abuse children. One of the chief accusations from victims is that bishops put the church's own procedures ahead of civil law enforcement by often suggesting victims keep accusations quiet while they are dealt with internally.

The maximum penalty for a priest convicted by a church tribunal is essentially losing his job: being defrocked, or removed from the clerical state. There are no jail terms and nothing to prevent an offender from offending again.

According to the 2001 norms Ratzinger pushed through and subsequent updates, the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith reviews each case sent to Rome and then instructs bishops how to proceed, either by launching an administrative process against the priest if the evidence is overwhelming or a church trial. At every step of the way the priest is allowed to defend himself.

The Congregation started reporting numbers only in 2005, which is where Tomasi's spreadsheet starts off. U.N. officials said Friday that the committee has not received the document.
nice argument
"Islam is terrible"
"no but wait Christianity is just as terrible"

If someone is bad you don't be bad as well.


Aug 13, 2013
nice argument
"Islam is terrible"
"no but wait Christianity is just as terrible"

If someone is bad you don't be bad as well.
I don't know who is injecting you with 'false statistics', but the girl Khomeini married was 16, not 10. Also, stop bringing the past lmao, this was in 1929. Further, the marriage wasn't 'forced' on her , it was her own will and had her parents consent.


Jul 3, 2012
nice argument
"Islam is terrible"
"no but wait Christianity is just as terrible"

If someone is bad you don't be bad as well.
I think you're really missing the point of his argument.

He is simply trying to show that followers of any religion may do things that are immoral. There is no need to solely attack and ridicule Islamic MINORITIES over it.


(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
Apr 4, 2011
Christians are paedophiles. Old men molest kids (both girls AND BOYS ;) ) even though they have no relation to the children (such as marriage ;) )

Hmmm. Thousands of priests do this. And Christians follow priests just like Muslims follow their teachers (such as Prophet Muhummad). Therefore Christians are hypocrites.

???????????? What you gotta say now???
like having a relation to the child changes anything :L

and where did that even come from lol


Horse liberty
Jul 17, 2007
Do I need to re-type what I just said.

The whole religion of Islam is based on advocating ideologies created 1400 years ago, and implementing those practices into the 21st century. What you've just written is dismissive of the whole religion (which I agree with). SerNichols posted at the top of this thread praising the quran as the only religious document never to have changed.

You can't simulataneously advocate the dismissal and adoption of 14th century practices, or simultaneously claim that the most perfect person to ever live committed the most vile and despicable actions a person can undertake.


et tu
Mar 6, 2007
Vespucci Beach
Uni Grad
Out of respect for my religion or anyone's religion, please don't use obscene language in the same line as the Prophet's name. Being a former Muslim, I'm sure you must know how much Islam stresses on respecting other faiths and also because you agree that the conditions were different so there is no need to ridicule the Prophet in such a way.

Now, we won't bring the case with Muhammad (pbuh) into this argument as you agree that times were different.

The thing is, this occurs mostly in developing countries where knowledge is little. The conditions there are saddening and upsetting but our religion only allows for a woman to get married once she has hit puberty. So, it doesn't encourage "pedophilia" of any sort.

Also, those in these developing countries have very little access to an adequate knowledge or Islamic principles and morals.

And even then it's a VERY SMALL MINORITY just like with all other religions so please do not attack only Islam on something so insignificant. (Not saying it's insignificant but seeing it's such a small minority in comparison to the large number of Muslims, it is therefore insignificant)
It is not that small, it is very widespread in Yemen I think and it cannot be denied that the root of this problem is Islam/religion in one form of another.

I don't know who is injecting you with 'false statistics', but the girl Khomeini married was 16, not 10. Also, stop bringing the past lmao, this was in 1929. Further, the marriage wasn't 'forced' on her , it was her own will and had her parents consent.
I don't know I read about it somewhere before, might be another ayotollah or another islamic leader, but I'm pretty sure a lot of influential middle easterns fuck minors regularly. I heard importing young girls into Saudi Arabia is a booming industry.


Jul 3, 2012
The whole religion of Islam is based on advocating ideologies created 1400 years ago, and implementing those practices into the 21st century. What you've just written is dismissive of the whole religion (which I agree with). SerNichols posted at the top of this thread praising the quran as the only religious document never to have changed.

You can't simulataneously advocate the dismissal and adoption of 14th century practices, or simultaneously claim that the most perfect person to ever live committed the most vile and despicable actions a person can undertake.
Umm I haven't disagreed with what SerNichols said.

The Quran is the only religious document that hasn't changed and I do praise the Quran for that. Now, the Quran does not permit the marriage of anyone until they have reached the age of puberty. That is what the Quran states and I agree with that. 1400 years ago, people reached puberty faster and so marriages may have occurred at younger ages. But again, we can't compare the different times.

The article that this whole thread is supposed to be about says otherwise.

The Prophet WAS the most perfect person to live and please watch the video that I linked earlier. No one has said that he committed "the most vile and despicable actions" because it was a completely different time, society, etc.
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