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  1. C

    Discussion for Extension Students

    Jeden Tag ist unsere Welt kleiner. Warum sind wir immer noch sehr fremdenfeindlich? Our world gets smaller every day. Why are we still so xenophobic? I just thought this would be a good thing to talk about in general, and it could come up in your exam, in one form or another. What does...
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    Does anyone here have any information on Akhenaton (Amenhotep IV)? I'm studying him at uni atm and I just don't get it as much as I'd like to (but then again, maybe that's the problem). I've never studied the Near East/ Egypt before so it's all a bit new... Thanks in advance! :) Best of...
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    Technological Capability

    Do you find that there's a scale where you're good at subjects like history, and bad at technological stuff, or good at technological stuff, and bad at history? I'm an Ancient History student. I can save word documents and check my email... :p
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    I did the equivelant to "Development of the Greek World 800-500 BC" at uni last semester: I don't really have any notes you'd want (lots of stuff on the way democracy was verbalised :p) but if you need any clarification let me know!
  5. C

    Which HISTORIANS are you all covering????

    Herodotos Thucydides von Ranke MI Finley And any other random quotes I managed to pick up... (almost all ancient- it suited me down to the ground!)
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    Extension courses for year 12? And what are you dropping?

    I did 4 extension units (4 English, Extension and Ancient History, Extension German) and the workload was nuts. I wouldn't recommend doing 4u English and Extension History unless you really love writing. I wouldn't recommend doing 4u English and 4u Maths together. I wouldn't recommend...
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    Attn: Extension 1 Eng Ppl

    In year 11 we did Utopia (Utopia, The Handmaid's Tale and The Beach)/ Satire (Catch 22), and in year 12 we did Crime Fiction If you need help PM me or send me an email (I also tutor- might as well throw that in)
  8. C

    Anyone need some help?

    I'm really a Greece person, although I know about the Fall of the Roman Republic and I'm doing some Near East and imperial Rome this semester. Please feel free to PM me if you have any nagging questions about Ancient History. I don't have any notes to speak of, but I can always lead you in...
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    Wir sollen mehr Deutsch reden!

    Masken war ganz cool. Business Class is wirchlich furchtbar! Aber Spaghetti fuer Zwei war am besten!
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    The Problem of Pamela Bradley

    Agreed. Quoting Bradley (and I speak for Greece and Rome, and probably Egypt too) is about as useful as saying "classics_chic said..." I hope to be a respectable historian one day, but for the meantime you won't get anything (except possibly the award of "non-serious attempt"- an automatic...
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    IF NOT BRADLEY! THEN WHO??? Ive got some for Egypt

    the point of this exercise is to drop names so that people know where to go so they can quote the people in the HSC. Name dropping in this forum is very different to name dropping in the HSC. Note: he said "read these books", not "drop these names"
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    The Problem of Pamela Bradley

    I've also asked the people who set and mark exams. If you want good marks, don't quote her. I've also asked university lecturers on their thoughts on her as a viable source/ commentary. The answer's always the same: don't quote her, only use her if you're desperate. I don't claim to...
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    Tips to help with stress

    I've been noticing that some people in this forum are getting a little ratty at each other of late. As a former HSC student I'm going to tell you that having a go at others will not make you feel better in the long run, nor will it help anyone else. And isn't that what this forum is all about...
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    Greek world 440-500 bc qus on catholic trial

    Tolerance, please Hey can we not do this? Please don't criticise someone for trying to get good marks in the HSC, and please don't use homophobic language to do so, if you insist on being an intolerant unhelpful so and so! Thank you!
  15. C

    The Greatest Book Ever Written

    Herodotos, The Histories: I just keep reading it, it's brilliant! How do you come from epic poetry and myth to form history, an essential form of study? I think Herodotos is the greatest writer of all time!
  16. C

    What are you currently Reading?

    Herodotos The Histories: it's a brilliant book! (the first history ever written) Also Iphigenia in Tauris... but in Ancient Greek (don't ask)
  17. C

    superficial things turining you off a relationship

    Superficial: Different nationality Drinking / drugs / smoking Piercings (girls ears not included!) / tattoos Education, including uni / tafe / leave before senior years Financial status Weight Generally not good looking enough / too good looking, including bad skin and good / bad dress...
  18. C

    What language are you studying?

    Ancient Greek at uni I did German Extension at school (it was the only language available at my first high school, and there were no beginners courses on offer for the HSC, so don't blame me for being mainstream!)
  19. C

    Cssa Trial Questions Please!

    The Greek world 500-440 BC Hatshepsut NK Egypt at the time of Ramesess and Athenian Greece at the time of Pericles Your question was too specific for me to help you but I'm going to go one better than this year's Catholic Trial: I'm going to dig up all the questions I can find...
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    IF NOT BRADLEY! THEN WHO??? Ive got some for Egypt

    Thanks incredible. :)