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  1. C

    URGENT!!!!!!! Special Considerations

    talk to your school counsellor about it. They'll be able to guide you in the right direction. I got special consideration for the following factors: arthritis depression/ anxiety disturbed family life I got breaks and I typed my HSC which was really good, plus I got 5 UAI points to...
  2. C

    HSC Trials format

    Most schools give it in the actual HSC format. My school edited one of the questions because we hadn't quite finished Julius Caesar, but apart from that the format was identical to the HSC. Good luck!
  3. C

    Anbody else in love with the personality they're studying?

    Yeah, Xerxes, the ultimate display of hubris. But how much do you trust those sources? They have a serious agenda for wanting to display Xerxes as evil- he sacked Attika!
  4. C

    Minoan confusion

    You don't need historians for Minoan and Mycenaen societies, although you do for the others, in case anyone's wondering. Theories are the best way to go because there's no contemporary written evidence that's been translated for the Minoans, and you can quote theories from historians. For...
  5. C

    dropping ancient..

    Well people have said that but everyone I've spoken to who actually did it (ie not teachers and careers advisors) had their marks scaled up. My internal mark was in the low 80's and it got scaled up to 90. I was thrilled to bits.
  6. C

    summary length?

    my summary lengths You need to bring it down more than that, but you can have a summary and a summary of a summary, you know. What I did, and it worked for me, was summarised to about 20 pages for each topic (I was and am slightly obsessed with ancient), then I summarised each syllabus point...
  7. C

    Extension courses for year 12? And what are you dropping?

    Don't Drop Ancient! (sorry, I live for ancient history) 4u English AND Extension History is a hell of a lot of work- I know, I did it. (But then again, I did Extension German as well.)
  8. C

    Is 14 units too much for the HSC?

    The workload does get worse, and if you're struggling now, you'll die in the HSC. I recommend dropping to 11, it gives you somewhere to move if you bomb out, or 12 if you're really scared. I wouldn't recommend doing 14 to anyone unless they do really veggie subjects, which you're not. Oh...
  9. C

    Suggestions to Class of 2005..

    I'd recommend not doing more than 3 extension units in the HSC... I did 4 and it nearly killed me I did: Ancient and Extension History Extension 2 English Extension German Studies of Religion I It was fun, but, as I said, the workload was way too much! I recommend to do what you...
  10. C

    Dividing up Ancient History

    Who here would like it if Ancient History were divided up, to make things easier to find? I'm not a mod, but I just think it's a good idea...
  11. C

    Why German?

    Warum Deutsch? Warum nicht! Es macht so viel Spass! Aber in der achte Klasse lernten wir nur Deutsch... und dann war ich in eine andere Schule... da gibt es viele Sprachen, aber ich koennte kein beginnen zu lernen. So hatte ich Deutsch (Extension auch) gestudiert! ... Ach nein, ich...
  12. C

    Wir sollen mehr Deutsch reden!

    Ich beschwere mich... Ich fand', dass ich mit die andere, die Deutsch gemacht hatte (ich bin in der erste Jahr auf der Uni), viel gesprochen. Ueber gar nichts, stimmt, aber wir haben immer noch geuebt. Ich uebte auch mit die Eltern: sie sprechen kein Deutsch, und es nervt ihr, aber es...
  13. C

    justice game?

    I did it... I loved it. There's a study guide from Five Senses (which I can't find to give you the title, must have lent it to someone) that includes material on The Justice Game. Don't worry, you don't have to read the whole book... in fact don't, it'll confuse you. I particularly liked...
  14. C

    Telling the Truth - Related Texts

    Most crime fiction texts can be applied to Telling the Truth I found But Geoffery Robertson's biography The Justice Game is a goood one to use (even though it's on the syllabus- it was my text- almost no one does it so you can get away with it). I recommend "The Trials of Oz" - I think it...
  15. C

    How to study lear

    Well I did it another way, which makes it tough to begin with but easier to study. We had to make up our own production based on interpretations in the play (e.g. feminist, Elizabethan, psychoanalytical, family psychological drama...). It is more work, but you understand the text better...
  16. C

    John Warren

    There's no such thing as a historiographer, just so you know. OK, if people are in doubt, let's take this argument to the next level. Historiography: from the words " historia " and "grapho" (obviously Latinised) from Ancient Greek (which I'm studying). historia means inquiry, as coined...
  17. C

    John Warren

    I don't know. His setup is somewhat like Pamela Bradley (see my post in the Ancient History board), but his work is far more reputable and complex. I'd say he's a semi-historian, and therefore I wouldn't quote him, to be safe. There are plenty of others out there. A text I used for the first...
  18. C

    Elizabeth Case Study

    I did it last year, and I don't really have many notes to speak of (I have lots on my project though :P), but I can recommend looking at Levine, Doran& Freeman ("The Myth of Elizabeth", published last year- if you want to look at pictorial history, which was my focus, you have some pics in...
  19. C

    What the hell?

    In my HSC exam I wrote three 10 page essays... typed! (I have arthritis, special consideration), and my society section (Mycenae) was about the same. (I got a band 6 in Ancient...) Oh, and I thought the Ancient exam was fun...
  20. C

    Fall of Rome notes/study

    I find with Ancient History, especially Rome, that dividing the work between economic, social, political and religious factors really helps. Most people only look at the military and looking at the others really gives you an edge against them. Also remember to work according to the syllabus...