Search results

  1. jlh

    UAI cut offs in MAIN and LATE ROUND

    these popular courses tend to have cut offs in the high 90's. so don't expect to receive an offer unless you have a uai of 99. b. commerce rose from 94 to 98. b. economics rose from 90 to 94. b. economics and social sciences rose from 91 to 94.
  2. jlh

    Anyone Get In?

    that will depend on your marks, because you will be competing for a HECS place with next year's cohort.
  3. jlh

    Begin in Semester 2?

    27th? i thought all enrolments have to be in sometime this week...
  4. jlh

    uni bags?

    i do what minai does.... the shoulder bag is easier to access and lets you take stuff out when your on the move
  5. jlh

    Begin in Semester 2?

    you should ask the arts faculty for more information. but if you have already enrolled, i don't think you will be allowed to defer... so decide before you enrol...
  6. jlh

    Begin in Semester 2?

    no you wouldn't be charged the $3768... you would be charged 1/8 of that which is $471 for the single unit... your doing arts at usyd right? if you are, i'm pretty sure you can defer for 6 months..
  7. jlh


    science electives would be anything under the science faculty.
  8. jlh

    Finance/IR and HRM/Marketing - which one(s)?

    no you can do psychology as one of your electives in the b. commerce... and no you don' thave to be enrolled in the b.sci just to do it...... you should also be able to major in it, i'm not sure on the commerce degree rules... but i have a friend in commerce who done psych...
  9. jlh

    how to get to usyd

    i agree with "user".. there is nothign wrong with redfern.. there might be people asking for money soemtimes but you learn to ignore them... and plus there is always security there... i had to walk to redfern station on fridays when i finished at 6 in the evening.. it wasn't bad...
  10. jlh

    welcome session

    ok so i'm not going.. by the sounds of it its pretty much basic uni stuff.. i think i can figure it out, plus there is always you guys and gals that can help me!! i figure, if i figure out the usyd stuff by myself, i can work out how the macq uni system works!! jeez, listen to me... i'm...
  11. jlh

    Macquarie Mulah

    wow you think macq uni student fees are expensive. first year usyd students pay $577 and second year uni students pay $470... we don't have on campus parking, unless you want to pay $15 (flat rate) parking on campus everyday... and we don't even get proper student cards.. i mean we have to...
  12. jlh


    electives are usually picked from anywhere in the uni and must be listed in your science handbook...
  13. jlh

    enrolment help needed!!!

    well you have to enrol.. but after 14th feb (i think thats the date).. you can change your enrolment. but you must finalise your first semester enrolment i think after the first 2 weeks or else you will incur extra hecs debt....
  14. jlh

    i need desperate help with enrolment...i'm lost

    yeah i've heard of people saying that you need to claim that your student card is 'lost'... you will be charged to get a new one as well as a new concession....
  15. jlh


    yeah you can do 1000 level units in second year. you can even do them in third year if you want. you can structure your degree the way you want, as long as you satisfy the amount of credit points and don't go over the minimum number of first year credit points.
  16. jlh

    for commerce accoutning how do u know wat subjects u have to do

    what degree are you in? for first year you will have designated compulsory core units... so stick with those... as for account and getting a CPA accrediation.. this website might help:
  17. jlh

    Finance/IR and HRM/Marketing - which one(s)?

    hmm.. those options don't really fall together. i'd suggest economics to go with finance.. IRHRM and work and organisational studies... marketing with ???.. psych maybe??
  18. jlh

    welcome session

    oh so you didn't stay? i want to know what they tell you.. and how long it goes for.. i was too lazy to go today cuz it was too hot... and i cant make it tomorrow!! anyone know what they tell you and how long it does for??
  19. jlh

    how to get to usyd

    yeah redfern is the easiest option...
  20. jlh

    Official Macquarie Uni 2004 Student List

    at the end of first semester? because if i decide to go to macq uni, i'm gonna be combining a BBA with BIT... i guess then you will most likely be in some of my classes.. whether it be in BIT or BBA.. hahahaha