Yes it is most definately weird. Why would your average 28 year old MAN want to be in a relationship with a 17 year old girl? Im 17 & my brother is 29 & i can guarantee you every one of his friends would laugh in my face hysterically if i asked them out... because they're well adjusted i...
Jeeesus you're bitching about underage smoking? But wouldnt you be planning on having underage sex with this girl?.. seeing that you finished school in 03... i suppose you wouldnt want her breath to smell like ciggies whilst committing statutory rape...
quit bitching.
Two weeks till the HSC + im beginning to think that im destined to be a gutter wino screaming at traffic.. ive been averaging about 0 hours of study this week..
Just wondering if there's anyone else out there who thinks theyre as screwed as I?
I understand the need to stop them coming in until the problem is fixed.. in fact its the obvious logical choice. my problem with this is why didnt we consider this before we let them in in the first place? We obviously knew that they were coming from camps and that they would have trouble...
Well this is not a new phenomenon, many many many groups of refugees have had trouble intergrating into australian society.. by now you'd think we'd have developed a support system that can adequately deal with the problems that they face...
But have we questioned why theyre not intergrating? They cant speak english.. theres a goodun, its hard to intergrate into a community when you dont speak the language.. theyre poorly educated, theres another.. how can they be expected to prosper in a culture that they dont understand? Not to...
Australia isnt the only place they are running.. and i think our government refers to it as 'intergration' not assimilation. The limits of the system? well if by limits you are referring to the limit on the amount of support we can give refugees in terms of counselling/education etc, then we...
Yes it would make more sense to fix the problem.. problem with that is a little thing called state soverignty. The sudanese government doesnt want an adequate UN force there.. not that either the UN or the African Union can do a god damn thing because they are both toothless tigers... There is...
No.. as i said before, the system has failed them.. a large reason for them not being able to 'intergrate' is because of the inadequate support systems we have in place once they get here..
But i still have no idea how you can possibly think that their lives were better where they were...
What? Are you joking? The only possible reason that they would 'fit in better' is because they have the same skin colour. The Sudanese government is systematically sending hired militias and government troops to destroy the livelihoods of non-muslim Sudanese.... raping torturing + displacing...
Agreed. In fact Ive agreed with everything youve said so far.. weird.. i keep finding myself gasping indignantly at the ignorance of it all + being inspired to contribute.. only to find that you've already said what i was going to say..
Fight the good fight.
Is it possible that the inability...
Lie lie lie lie and if you get caught... lie your way out of it. Parents of teenagers expect you to lie to them.. you wouldnt want to fall short of their expectations...
Ive been in a long distance relationship for about a year now + it is working.. its effin hard sometimes and you've gotta be willing to put the effort in..
we see each other every couple of months + its like a honeymoon, you value the time and each other much more because you know how it...