If your not willing to even walk to the bloody Broadway campus then you won't find anything fun to do. Guess walking from one end of the house to the other is a pretty big hassle as well? I have to walk between Haymarket and Broadway every single day cause my classes are switched up between...
Actually no. Like every other idiot in Australia, I figured UNSW was the place to go. Turns out not. Faculty of Science is garbage down there. My cousin currently travelling the world with Genetics informed me of UTS's superior teaching and resources (for Science mind you, no clue about the...
Your a moron.
There's no such thing as reputation bullshit surrounding universities. When you go into the big bad world, NO ONE, and I repeat NO ONE regardless of what bullshit has been put into your mind, looks at where you graduated. America? Maybe. Standford and all those places that's...
So retarded. Mum cried with my actual results and dad was all happy happy and whatever. Then I told them that atar. Quote Mum: Yea :-D and Dad: some psycholophical thing about eating someones heart LOL it was scary to get that response :P
Hence the reason why children shouldn't be allowed to do the HSC...
Sorry buddy but for most people there's a reason why you do your HSC at around 16, 17 and 18 because your preferences MAJORLY change within these ages of where you want to go and who you want to be. Go back to school....enjoy...
Morons...sure...stay up all night and make the night take even longer to get your results. Unless you want the wait to be longer cause you believe you did shit? Sounds about right.
Nup. I will be having my sleep thank you very much so when I wake up and see my results both times I can think...
Definitely true. If you tell them you got an asterix on your HSC you get a free drink :P lol doubt its worth it pretty highly haah but yeah they get something at least :P
No way for the people I have met, my friends are my life but the actual school? If I had the choice again I wouldn't have gone to my school...teachers are terrible...facilities aren't exactly great...so yes I regret it pretty highly...
^ U know, if you wanted to your absolutely allowed to answer the Disasters section? I was considering answering a different option because I would be loosing 2 marks in Pharma....(not big but u know, if I can get them doing a different section why not!)
I had so much trouble with this multiple choice dunno wtf was wrong with me. I do Chem, Bio and Physics for a while and pretty good at them all tbh, yet this stumped me at quite a few points...
I agree except for
15. It's C. Txt messaging isn't verbal, its non-verbal electronic
13. B except...
Overall easy, as usual. However some questions...was just like...I know how to answer this not hard...but WTF were BOS thinking when they wrote this!!!
The Pie Graph especially looked at it like. Seriously? Is this a joke/trick or something?
I don't think you can judge the place in terms of excitement if you live there. I'd say Sydney isn't exactly fun but some would say it's got heaps of stuff to do...
Anyways yeah our trip is more to relax...surf, get drunk at night on the beach LOL, down time...need it to badly now...
I didn't actually say it was hard anywhere. Bio is hella easy to understand, only thing getting my brain going is Genetics Option cause it's so current at times scratching the surface off main ideas making it weird to understand, but there are heaps of people who go in and just memorise shit...
LOL I must admit I found that funny.
I wrote two texts so I'm happy however you guys are all whinging about nothing we won't get special consideration AT ALL! Your essays will probably be a tad more indepth with only 1 text so address the question better, with our two texts its brought back to...
Absolute. Moron. lol.
Yeah that will DEFINITELY work because chimpanzees are assigned to mark our booklets and cannot tell that you have clearly answered question 6 in question 7 hence say whatever, and then mark it (because chimps can do this remember?) giving you full marks.
Specifically. You are correct. But by what we actually learn't in the syllabus? Thermoregulatory System isn't really something EVERYONE learns if you catch my drift, it isn't directly apart of the syllabus to learn. However I reckon u'd obviously get the mark for it still...
Ummm. Yeah I personally feel you would. I'm no teacher but if you explained the question just a tad and how greater knowledge of genetic mutation links to cystic fibrosis (cbf to explain but I'm sure u know the links) u'd probably get at least 2 marks...if not even 3 if the marker is easy or you...
Not whinging about this at all, but was it just me or did that entire exam almost feel like it contained almost no content than we've previously seen? There seemed to be a lot of make up this, or extremely easy questions to bullshit if you didn't know your content well...but yeah was pretty...