i just got back today. five of us rented a holiday house on the mid north coast for 10 days. it was bloody awesome and we only spent 300 bucks each for everything. we were in pretty much the middle of nowhere (we fished and drank all day) so unless youre an outdoorsy type of person it probably...
lol i didnt even read the book and i knew who it was straight away. i dunno what u people that did read it and still couldnt figure it out studied but u obviously wasted your time.
Re: What's Yr 12 Modern like?
yeah studying trench war is the most boring part. but (depending on what elective u do) the other units are 10 times better. its a good course.
iv never ranted on this thread before cos i could go forever.
but basically i just hate people who dont pay attention. that covers people who dont give way, slow drivers, tailgaters, fucktards-who-speed-up-at-overtaking-lanes, people who cant think even 3 seconds ahead of themselves, bad lane...
even if he doesnt get misadventure its not a complete disaster is it? i thought that if there was a big discrepency between exam performance and assessment performance (which there is obviously going to be in his case), they marked the paper in a special category or something? or is that rule...
one of my friends cant sleep the night before. she gets about 2 hours. she reckons she cant switch her brain off, all the information is just swimming in her head. i dunno how she does it. im not sure that i could stay awake in an exam like that let alone concentrate properly.
ok do u actually know you're going to fail or are u just freaking yourself out? i wouldnt sit the hsc again under any circumstances. the hsc is a means to an end. i dunno what you're aiming for but if u dont get into your course then apply for another one. if u do ok in it after a year u can...
u might not be interested but i read anthoy kiedis' (the lead singer or the red hot chili peppers) autobiography 'scar tissue' a couple of years ago. its a bloody good book and surprisingly interesting and relevant for an autobiography. sorry but i cant contribute too much to fiction and poetry...
yeah that happens all the time i know people whe've had the same thing and they all got off (i mean they only got three months instead of six). ud think the cops and the rta would learn that the courts wont uphold it but noooo they just want to be a pain in the arse.
this is pretty sad. but at the same time, every time i hear a story like this i have to laugh a little. how bloody stupid can a whole country be that they think its ok for an 8 year old to fire a loaded gun let alone an uzi? wtf? and how do u not notice when an 8 year old is about to shoot...