Homosexuality in Australia (5 Viewers)

What do you think of homosexuality in Australia?

  • Yes, i strongly support it.

    Votes: 674 48.5%
  • I somewhat support it.

    Votes: 201 14.5%
  • No opinion

    Votes: 182 13.1%
  • I do not support it.

    Votes: 334 24.0%

  • Total voters


Dec 27, 2009
Yeah! Let's blame it all on the gays! It's so more much easier to blindly follow the bible and oppress a minority than it is to use our own common sense and realise that homosexuals have been blatantly underhanded!
I don't blame the loss of societies moral values on the gay population alone, they are merely one cause. I equally blame the "casual sex" culture that has arisn and the aspects of the entertainment industry, for promoting the "sex revolution" which encourages such imoral behaviours, especially among the impressionable youth.

It's our fault we want to be happy! It is our fault that we are gay! We are to blame for their and society's "inevitable demise".
The gay "culture" if it can be called that represents the continual loss of societies moral values as I have said numerous times. It is this degredation of traditional values, if allowed to continue unopposed which will cause the demise of Western society.

You also make the mistake of assuming that you can only be happy through the consumation of your sinful lusts. You will find more happiness living a morally upright life with wholesome relationships by God, followed by eternal life in Heaven that you will chasing sinful temptations.

They have made it PERFECTLY CLEAR(although I'm still unclear on how)that the union of a man & man or woman & woman would have deadly repercussions on heterosexual marriage (i.e. decline of heterosexual marriage and death to all!).
Marriage is not a right. Furthermore marriage is a wholly religious ceremony, used to celebrate the union of a man and women. There are many reasons against gay marriage, but that is a seperate debate altogether.

I mean the heterosexual population is obviously perfect and the intended method live! Fellow homosexuals, lend me your ears! We would do well to follow the brilliant examples led by the heterosexual virgin, Iron!
By the very fact that you measure someone's credibility through (in part at least) on their virginity demonstrates my point on moral degredation.


i'm a fireball in bed
Mar 6, 2008
island of screaming orgasms
I don't blame the loss of societies moral values on the gay population alone, they are merely one cause. I equally blame the "casual sex" culture that has arisn and the aspects of the entertainment industry, for promoting the "sex revolution" which encourages such imoral behaviours, especially among the impressionable youth.
I still don't understand how a relationship between two males or females would be detrimental on society?!?!?!?!?!?1 What direct harm would it cause? Would people simply drop dead when two females enter in a relationship? Would god unleash 10 plagues when 2 males express their love for one another???

The gay "culture" if it can be called that represents the continual loss of societies moral values as I have said numerous times. It is this degredation of traditional values, if allowed to continue unopposed which will cause the demise of Western society.
HOW does it "represent the continual loss of societies moral values"?? How do you measure the level of morals present in society? Is it inversely proportionate to the amount of homosexuals present in society?

And traditional you say? Well what about slavery? Oppression of women?

You also make the mistake of assuming that you can only be happy through the consumation of your sinful lusts. You will find more happiness living a morally upright life with wholesome relationships by God, followed by eternal life in Heaven that you will chasing sinful temptations.
Well if the heterosexual population forgoes such "lusts", then equality might be achieved. Can you possibly name me some homosexuals who have submitted themselves to this "wholesome relationship" thing with "god".

Marriage is not a right. Furthermore marriage is a wholly religious ceremony, used to celebrate the union of a man and women. There are many reasons against gay marriage, but that is a seperate debate altogether.
Yes, i know marriage is not a right. It's obviously a PRIVILEGE! And marriage was once seen as a business agreement between 2 families, if I'm not mistaken.


New Member
Jun 15, 2009
Lol religious people think they created the ability for two people to love each other.

the height


i'm a fireball in bed
Mar 6, 2008
island of screaming orgasms


Dec 27, 2009
I still don't understand how a relationship between two males or females would be detrimental on society?!?!?!?!?!?1 What direct harm would it cause? Would people simply drop dead when two females enter in a relationship? Would god unleash 10 plagues when 2 males express their love for one another???
Have a read of this. This page is a fairly comprehensive summary as to the Christian arguements agaisnt gay marriage. I have summaried the main points below as a TL;DR version.

Same-sex Marriage, Gay, Homosexual, and Lesbian Unions

1. Effects on Moral and Religious Standards:
- The Bible (as well as many other religious texts) condemn homosexuality, and by extention, renounce gay marriage.
- By accepting gay marriage, it presents homosexuality as good and wholesome.

2. Effects on Traditional Marriage:
- Firstly the Bible (as well as other religious texts) authorise marriage as a relationship strictly between a heterosexual couple.
- Accepting gay marriage would be promoting a perverted relationship to the dignified status currently held by honourable marriage, thus tarnishing the wholesomeness of traditional marriage.

3. Effects on Children:
- Part of traditional marriage involves the companship of a mother and father caring for their children. Gay couples are unable to concieve children.
- Homosexual marriages deprive children of the right to being raised by mother and father.

4. Effects on Religious Organisations:
- The Church is responsible to preach the truth by God and oppose moral evils.
- Legislation and encouraging of gay marriage will pressure religious organisations to accept homosexuality.

5. Effects on Government and Education:
- The church and government have separate roles, but both church and government share a common duty to promote good morals and discourage evil conduct.
- Legislating gay marriage would put the government in the position of justifying evil.


Eat, Sleep, Repeat
Jun 4, 2006
Have a read of this. This page is a fairly comprehensive summary as to the Christian arguements agaisnt gay marriage. I have summaried the main points below as a TL;DR version.

Same-sex Marriage, Gay, Homosexual, and Lesbian Unions

1. Effects on Moral and Religious Standards:
- The Bible (as well as many other religious texts) condemn homosexuality, and by extention, renounce gay marriage.
- By accepting gay marriage, it presents homosexuality as good and wholesome.

2. Effects on Traditional Marriage:
- Firstly the Bible (as well as other religious texts) authorise marriage as a relationship strictly between a heterosexual couple.
- Accepting gay marriage would be promoting a perverted relationship to the dignified status currently held by honourable marriage, thus tarnishing the wholesomeness of traditional marriage.

3. Effects on Children:
- Part of traditional marriage involves the companship of a mother and father caring for their children. Gay couples are unable to concieve children.
- Homosexual marriages deprive children of the right to being raised by mother and father.

4. Effects on Religious Organisations:
- The Church is responsible to preach the truth by God and oppose moral evils.
- Legislation and encouraging of gay marriage will pressure religious organisations to accept homosexuality.

5. Effects on Government and Education:
- The church and government have separate roles, but both church and government share a common duty to promote good morals and discourage evil conduct.
- Legislating gay marriage would put the government in the position of justifying evil.


i'm a fireball in bed
Mar 6, 2008
island of screaming orgasms
Have a read of this. This page is a fairly comprehensive summary as to the Christian arguements agaisnt gay marriage. I have summaried the main points below as a TL;DR version.

Same-sex Marriage, Gay, Homosexual, and Lesbian Unions

1. Effects on Moral and Religious Standards:
- The Bible (as well as many other religious texts) condemn homosexuality, and by extention, renounce gay marriage.
- By accepting gay marriage, it presents homosexuality as good and wholesome.

2. Effects on Traditional Marriage:
- Firstly the Bible (as well as other religious texts) authorise marriage as a relationship strictly between a heterosexual couple.
- Accepting gay marriage would be promoting a perverted relationship to the dignified status currently held by honourable marriage, thus tarnishing the wholesomeness of traditional marriage.

3. Effects on Children:
- Part of traditional marriage involves the companship of a mother and father caring for their children. Gay couples are unable to concieve children.
- Homosexual marriages deprive children of the right to being raised by mother and father.

4. Effects on Religious Organisations:
- The Church is responsible to preach the truth by God and oppose moral evils.
- Legislation and encouraging of gay marriage will pressure religious organisations to accept homosexuality.

5. Effects on Government and Education:
- The church and government have separate roles, but both church and government share a common duty to promote good morals and discourage evil conduct.
- Legislating gay marriage would put the government in the position of justifying evil.
Heavens! Isn't there an argument against homosexuality that is NOT god-related? Your stated points sounds similar to me anyway.


Feb 16, 2009
Newcastle, NSW
Heavens! Isn't there an argument against homosexuality that is NOT god-related? Your stated points sounds similar to me anyway.
Yes, he already posted them:

2. Effects on traditional marriage
3. Effect on children
5. Effects on Government and education

John McCain

Horse liberty
Jun 9, 2008
Have a read of this. This page is a fairly comprehensive summary as to the Christian arguements agaisnt gay marriage. I have summaried the main points below as a TL;DR version.

Same-sex Marriage, Gay, Homosexual, and Lesbian Unions

1. Effects on Moral and Religious Standards:
- The Bible (as well as many other religious texts) condemn homosexuality, and by extention, renounce gay marriage.
- By accepting gay marriage, it presents homosexuality as good and wholesome.

2. Effects on Traditional Marriage:
- Firstly the Bible (as well as other religious texts) authorise marriage as a relationship strictly between a heterosexual couple.
- Accepting gay marriage would be promoting a perverted relationship to the dignified status currently held by honourable marriage, thus tarnishing the wholesomeness of traditional marriage.

3. Effects on Children:
- Part of traditional marriage involves the companship of a mother and father caring for their children. Gay couples are unable to concieve children.
- Homosexual marriages deprive children of the right to being raised by mother and father.

4. Effects on Religious Organisations:
- The Church is responsible to preach the truth by God and oppose moral evils.
- Legislation and encouraging of gay marriage will pressure religious organisations to accept homosexuality.

5. Effects on Government and Education:
- The church and government have separate roles, but both church and government share a common duty to promote good morals and discourage evil conduct.
- Legislating gay marriage would put the government in the position of justifying evil.
Strawman argument, he asked "how a relationship between two males or females would be detrimental on society? What direct harm would it cause?"

A relationship need have fuck all to do with marriage. The question he asked makes no demands at all on children, government or church.


Nov 4, 2009
Umm, shouldn't the number of gays, if it is not a choice, remain stable whether it is legalised/accepted or not?
Yes, but in the past many more people hid their homosexuality. A more accepting society means more are openly gay and willing to participate in sexual acts.

Also, massive LOL at all the gay ads in this thread about gay cruises and the like, which seem to epitomise the hedonistic lifestyle being painted about homosexuals by Iron and gang xD Talk about rubbing it in...
Last edited:


Dec 27, 2009
Strawman argument, he asked "how a relationship between two males or females would be detrimental on society? What direct harm would it cause?"

A relationship need have fuck all to do with marriage. The question he asked makes no demands at all on children, government or church.
Promoting homosexuality in society is encouraging the participation in immoral acts of sexual perversion.

Thus, encouraging homosexuality through acceptance and promoting it as a normal and acceptable alternative lifestyle choice I believe is wrong.

I do not believe people who identify themselves as gay are bad people, but they are misguided to think that through consumating their sinful lusts that their relationships will in anyway equal that of heterosexual couples.

As has already been discussed, the heterosexual couple was developed to facilitate the procureation of children and to raise them in a caring and supportive unit, the family. Homosexual relationships can never achieve this aim.

The Christians opposition to homosexuality, stems not from a homophobic, descriminatory attitude against gays but a moral stance against the moral deteoriation occuring within society and the encouragement of acts of perversion, of which homosexuality represents one aspect.


Active Member
Nov 14, 2006
Promoting homosexuality in society is encouraging the participation in immoral acts of sexual perversion.
I agree. Promoting homosexuality in society is only going to convince others to choose to become homosexual, and fuck: animals, their own family members, children. It also convinces others to commit adultery, to fornicate, masturbate - and use condoms/birth protection.

Fucking homosexuals, they're destroying society.


i'm a fireball in bed
Mar 6, 2008
island of screaming orgasms
Promoting homosexuality in society is encouraging the participation in immoral acts of sexual perversion.

Thus, encouraging homosexuality through acceptance and promoting it as a normal and acceptable alternative lifestyle choice I believe is wrong.

I do not believe people who identify themselves as gay are bad people, but they are misguided to think that through consumating their sinful lusts that their relationships will in anyway equal that of heterosexual couples.

As has already been discussed, the heterosexual couple was developed to facilitate the procureation of children and to raise them in a caring and supportive unit, the family. Homosexual relationships can never achieve this aim.

The Christians opposition to homosexuality, stems not from a homophobic, descriminatory attitude against gays but a moral stance against the moral deteoriation occuring within society and the encouragement of acts of perversion, of which homosexuality represents one aspect.
Alright, so you disaprove of us entering into homosexual relationships. Are you able to control yourself and refrain from entering into a heterosexual relationship?

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