- Why can't you see that some people do not agree that it is worthwhile, and would prefer to keep their money?
- Why can't you see that some people do not want to pay for something they don't use?
- Why is it that USU'ers are totally dismissive of a person's right to choose where their money goes?
- On that note, why is it that USU'ers consider those who want to keep THEIR OWN MONEY FOR THEIR OWN USE, selfish, but don't consider "demanding", or "expecting" other people to fund the "cultural experience" of university selfish?
- Why is it that you cannot except that perhaps other people do have a social life, and that some people want to keep their academic life and social life different, rather than combining them?
- Why is it that you're all ready to point the finger and say that funding the cultural experience should be compulsary if you wan't to attend university, when people are paying to go there, as well as other expenses?
- Why is it that you're all ready to dismiss VSU, when it hasn't been implemented, and hasn't been given a chance?
- Why is it that you cannot accept that some people can't necessarily afford to shell out a large sum of money to keep you all in the manner to which you've become accustomed, and have other "worthwhile" uses to put it towards?
And so forth, and so forth.