School captainincy nominations
Yes, I know, there are prob about 2-3 other threads out there asking for help, and I'm just another person in the same boat!. I'm over the thought that it might affect my HSC, because I only live one life, and I may regret not going for it later. I have nothing to lose anyway...
Okay, here's what's going on;
I have to write 150 words for my school captain nomination, and it will be published in my weekly school newsletter for all the students to read. Voting for a short list be will done (I'm not too sure whether it's students or staff body, but I assume it is students first because of the newsletter). After the shortlist, there will be interviews.
I know for a fact I 'have a greater chance' because I am part of the SRC, but to back that up, I'm also part of the Environmental committee. We go around patrolling rooms once a week and embarrass teachers at assembly
I have also contributed to the establishment of microwaves, something that has been abused in the past but we have brought them back. I've only been at this school from the beginning of this year, because at the end of year 10, our school transfers all of us to a senior campus that holds only year 11 and 12.
I just need to know whether I should be trying to win over the votes? Or whether I should act professionally. If so, can you give me some examples?
Any help is greatly appreciated.
Thanks so much in advanced,