My mum told me that front end to get her, or another manager (STM or SM) when shes not there, to open the roller doors in the morning. Haha, I've never heard of this before. For some reason the supervisor doesnt do it.
Anyone elses store do this?
Thats weird. We open the doors ourselves, but I always always need help closing them. (We don't have roller doors, we have the pull up/down with a pole ones)
Err, my shoulder/ankles are very grateful for that phobia, its not funny.
When we were cleaning out our freezers after they died, I think I fell over about 10 times in a one hour period, until our SM yelled out "get out of there now, I don't need another workers comp claim out of you".
And trolleys, well, they can go die.
This probably doesn't need to be said, but I am very VERY accident prone