what TYPE of school do u go to? (2 Viewers)

what TYPE of school do you go to??

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Aug 8, 2007
Re: Public School vs. Private

this is alwsys the topic of all debates... so my 2 cent is,
studies have shown that uni attendence is maintained by public school graduates due to the more
'u have to learn it' kind of learning whislt private school, some focus on more of a 'spoon- feeding' technique. but it would be false to assume that this applies to EVERYONE. depening on the person you are, would really be the deciding factor.

my school is slowing,unfortunately being ran to the ground like a business by the current headmaster, so i am thrilled to be leaving this yr, however, my teachers goes beyhond the call of duty, of what is required of them, letting us contact them anytime of the day, staying after/ beore school, in the hoildays, sometimes even putting us in front of their families. detenions for having your hair out and uniform breaches is alittle extreme as well as the $400+ for textbooks every yr on top of school fees and composery blazers and ties etc as someone else had mentiioned before. but thats what you signed up for when u enrolled and paid the unrefundable enrollment fee.

i dont think these an answer or ever will be an answer of what is better. because each school is different. each school is going to have good or bad teachers and good or bad students.

happy arguing ;)


Na Na Na Na Naa
Oct 11, 2006
Re: Public School vs. Private

-may-cat- said:
heh, i dont believe that its an accurate representation at all, but i could easily find you 5 students just like that. I have to catch their school bus to get home cuz my school does not provide one.

There are girls there who are about 8 years old who sit there talking about what sluts and skanks other girls in their grade are.

The older girls say 'like' about 20 times a sentence and often talk about what a derro i am cuz i go to a public school.

Often they will tell the bus driver not to pick me up, to just drive past, which means i have to catch a bus leaving the city in peak hour, ie, it takes me like 2 and half hours to get home.

Not all private school girls are like that in the slightest, but these girls are honestly just like that television character.
I admit, thats pretty shit. But really the characterisation of Ja'mie is exaggerations of all of these different aspects. It would be difficult to find one student who possesed all of these characteristics.


Tired Member
Feb 1, 2008
Re: Public School vs. Private

midifile said:
I admit, thats pretty shit. But really the characterisation of Ja'mie is exaggerations of all of these different aspects. It would be difficult to find one student who possesed all of these characteristics.
I dunno.... i wouldnt put it past these girls.

Once they pointed to a store called 'Stemporium: Artificial Botanicals' and said, "we can get a friendship plant! like out of that movie! ten things i hate about you! It will grow as our friendship grows!" :S


Jul 3, 2007
Re: Public School vs. Private

midifile said:
I will give you $20 if you can find me 5 students [yes, I am a private school kid, so obviously I have mountains of money to throw around for ridiculous reasons]
I could give you schools worth of people.

I remember talking to a girl from Hills Grammar once who, when I mentioned I went to Cherrybrook Tech, recoiled instantly and said 'that's a public school, right?'

Ja'mie Kings exist - that's why the character was so successful; because it was such an accurate depiction of a very very common personality.

And yeh, sure not every private school student is like that - I get that - but these people do exist, and in force.


Nov 12, 2006
Re: Public School vs. Private

if people want to pay thousands of dollars to go to a school with a lake, thats fine, i completly understand that, people can do what they want with their money

what i do not understand is the fact that the governments generously fund private schools when they also UNDERFUND public schools, its absolutely ridiculous and i dont see how anyone can justify how thats fair?

im saying this from a strange point of view because i go to a public school but it located in the bontanic gardens, in a beautiful recently renovated building with amazing facilities, but we are a specialist music school that were really lucky to benefit from the renovation of the Conservatorium.

So we are extremely lucky... but i just dont understand why private schools should get MORE money than public schools, or even the same amount.

Im really not trying to stir anyone, and im not blaming private or public schools for anything, i just think the government should get their act together and make the funding fair, coz private schools cant honestly say they need more money...

How much does it cost to run a private school? im actually curious...
Aug 8, 2007
Re: Public School vs. Private

smartrosa said:
if people want to pay thousands of dollars to go to a school with a lake, thats fine, i completly understand that, people can do what they want with their money

what i do not understand is the fact that the governments generously fund private schools when they also UNDERFUND public schools, its absolutely ridiculous and i dont see how anyone can justify how thats fair?

im saying this from a strange point of view because i go to a public school but it located in the bontanic gardens, in a beautiful recently renovated building with amazing facilities, but we are a specialist music school that were really lucky to benefit from the renovation of the Conservatorium.

So we are extremely lucky... but i just dont understand why private schools should get MORE money than public schools, or even the same amount.

Im really not trying to stir anyone, and im not blaming private or public schools for anything, i just think the government should get their act together and make the funding fair, coz private schools cant honestly say they need more money...

How much does it cost to run a private school? im actually curious...
well statically speaking, public schools per capita gets MORE then private schools.
non-government (private) schools are funded based on the view of equality, in the past i know for example catholic schools were not funded in any form. this changed with the believe in equality in around the 70's...

the federal and state government both fund schools private and public on the bases of x amount per student.

now the federal government spends about 67% on private schools and he rest on public schools, HOWEVER, the state government spends 7% on private (non-government schools) and the rest 93% on public schools... (based on 2003 satistics)

the difference is for us is paid for by our school fees, obviously the school discreet enrolment fees, application fees, building, technology fees and compulsory donations. but the prime aim of paying school fees is to level the difference, thats where you see increases in our school fees if the government on the state or federal level pulls funding.

i do understand where your coming from and its not necessarily fair to get more money on top of the millions they rack up in school fees, but most of these private institution like mine tend to ran on a more business kinda format, not saying all are of cause. but unfortunately mines degraded to that level. especially within the gps schools you have no idea how much it is to keep maintenance especially with he likes of boarders. and as much as i hate to say this appearance really does matter to most schools so, although budgeted, money does go, esp the amount set aside for maintenance. muck up day for us cost our school 8 grand to fix the grounds where the stupid boys decided to do burn outs...

but definitely, it really isn't 'equal' if you look at it... but the system cant function without each other.
Last edited:


May 15, 2008
On top of a tall mountain...
Re: Public School vs. Private

The issue of public v.s. private.

The fact is that in the past the government (Howard) has tried to discourage students from going to public schools by underfunding them and creating a clear intellectual distinction between private and public (non-selective) schools.

This is because the (Howard) government has to fund public schools and would prefer not to have to do that. It was never about fairness.

I am sure that the current administration has different views on the value of public education.


Nov 12, 2006
Re: Public School vs. Private

shadow5 said:
The issue of public v.s. private.

The fact is that in the past the government (Howard) has tried to discourage students from going to public schools by underfunding them and creating a clear intellectual distinction between private and public (non-selective) schools.

This is because the (Howard) government has to fund public schools and would prefer not to have to do that. It was never about fairness.

I am sure that the current administration has different views on the value of public education.
Yeh i agree, its the Howard government that im talking about really, im not too up to date on statistics on exact funding but i was always disgusted with that as the governments motivation, ironic as he went to a public school.
Well thank god hes gone...

Honeyissweet25... i knew i should have done my research :p, but its the recent federal government that i hated... their attitude was just horrible.
And seeing as the state government is the most corrupt in australia, even if 93% goes to public schools, the department of education is a completely unethical and ignorant system that who knows whats going where!!??

And a friend of mine said the pricipal of a private school said most of the fees went into the rent of the building! But stuff like the grounds of PLC is just stunning... when i went to PLC id never seen anywhere like it, not even the gardens to government house... it looked like the grounds of Buckingham Palace... i just dont really get the need for it...
oh well!
speaking of muck up, how funny are the stints in Melbourne??? ahahaha...

Johhny Thunder

Johnny Thunder
Mar 23, 2008
Re: Public School vs. Private

make it all public i say

no child should recieve a supposedly "better" education just because theyre parents are rich

the amount of money spent on private education is ridiculous especially when some kids in our OWN country cant go to school because they cant afford books

they money should be spread around, EQUAL,

education is a human right not another fucking commodity to be dictated by supply and demand


New Member
Aug 18, 2008
Re: Public School vs. Private

Johhny Thunder said:
make it all public i say

no child should recieve a supposedly "better" education just because theyre parents are rich

the amount of money spent on private education is ridiculous especially when some kids in our OWN country cant go to school because they cant afford books

they money should be spread around, EQUAL,

education is a human right not another fucking commodity to be dictated by supply and demand
That makes a lot of sense actually..
we all have the right to education, and should all get it under the same system i reckon.


New Member
Dec 20, 2006
Re: Public School vs. Private

I go to a public school and I think it is the best as we have to work really hard to do anything not just get our parents to pay 4 it. However there is a huge drawback!
I don't know about other schools but ours is dramaticly underfunded. My chemistry class had to fundraise to get enough money to by a balance. This is used in compulsary experiments for the HSC without it we couldn't preform them. We r lucky if there is enough equipment for senior chemistry for 2 experiment groups in a class of 18. I know to do well all u have to do is to work hard but it is extreamly hard when you don't have the essentials. On the goodside it makes us stronger and work harder. Everything is not served to us on a silver plater in any way. To componsate the teachers work extremly hard to give us a fair chance and I thank them for all there hard work. What really does iratate me though is that private school kids have airconditioning. In year 10 I had to to my school certificate in not only 35 degree heat but for security reasons the windows are bolted shut and we have a tin roof. I almost melted.

We should all have the same opportunities no matter how much money we have that is what public education is all about thats why it rocks. There is no way my parents could afford private so I say go public education!!!!!!!
Aug 8, 2007
Re: Public School vs. Private

hohenangst said:
IWhat really does iratate me though is that private school kids have airconditioning. In year 10 I had to to my school certificate in not only 35 degree heat but for security reasons the windows are bolted shut and we have a tin roof. I almost melted.
our hall where the exams are held, isnt air conditioned so i do understand how hot it gets, however the rest of the school is air conditioned. to pay for it it had been deducted from part of the school fees $60 per family to fund it. considering its coming from our pockets and i dont think its 'unfair' that we have air-conditioning. (i also know other private schools which doesnt have air conditioning) after all we still pay tax. in no means do i wish to fuel a heated argument, but without private schools it would be impossible for the government to fund every school which would led to increase of tax. i agree with the fact that funding to private schools should be looked into, but like i had mentioned before, ironically, funding to ALL schools were on the basis of equaily, every students get x amount regardless of where they go. perhapes this needs to be revised.


Aug 20, 2008
Pennant Hills
Re: Public School vs. Private

well....firstly... i can elaborate on this debate... as i have been to both a private and public high school during the last few years. I won't name any names (LOL!) but... there are many differences...

- The People -
*Depending on if your parents have the money or not... you will be judged on what type of car your parents have, where you live, what your parents do etc. There is a wide range of socioeconomic backgrounds at both public and private. For example, porsche driving parents at private and 1980 toyota corolla drivers at public schools. But on the other hand.. you can find either at public or private.
*Also... some people who have been brought up in the 'high' society seem to think they are better than everyone else. This is a fiery debate... suit yourselves.
*I have found that the use of drugs at private schools is much higher than at public schools... more money more able to source it? Or is it just accepted in private schools? Alcohol is also much more available.. parents who have the money.. and are willing to buy their year 10 children alcohol for them...
*More risk taking.. mummy and daddy can pay for your mistakes can't they? (Private)

- Facilities -
*At private schools.. facilities are wayyy better.. just because... if you've noticed... private schools have around 10 grand a year for students to attend. Whereas, at public schools.. some parents don't even pay the fees.
*Private schools have larger areas for sports... they can buy more land.
*No portables at private schools. And if they are.. they are only temporary..

- Teachers -
*You may find that at private schools.. the teachers are sourced from different areas.. for example.. at the private school i attended there was a teacher there who had taught at a school across the road from a jail.. most of the students there had a parent or sibling who was in the jail.. so they may have more 'social' experience
*Private school teachers are paid more.. therefore.. they may be more motivated
*Public school teachers may be unmotivated.. due to the government system of pay.. and the conditions that they have to work in

- Rules -
*Rules at private schools are much harder to break. For example, when wagging... your parents will receive a text message if you do not turn up to school... to check whether you are wagging...
*You can get expelled for smoking.. at private schools
*They can stalk you even after school hours... such as detention on saturday mornings from 10 til 12 (private)
*Compulsory sport after school.. taking up more of your time.. but they seem to think that you should compete... maybe also because of the obesity crisis
*In Public schools.. principals have much less power.. for example.. you can get away with much more.. smoking, stealing, punch ons, sex on school grounds, alcohol etc. Principals because they are bounded by the government.. have less power to kick you out of school... Whereas in private schools they must 'uphold' the reputation of the school

- The Actual Syllabus -
*You learn the same syllabus at either private or public schools.. even if you go to a shit school (public or private) you can still source other teaching methods outside of school.. e.g. tutoring.. actually going to the library.. etc.
*More work at private schools - homework..

Thats pretty much it... have a think...


Nov 4, 2007
Re: Public School vs. Private

I go to a private school and like our facilities are beautiful and we have great teachers and grounds. Our rules are tough but no one really cares. People seem to have this misconception about private schools creating better citizens and having the upper hand- not always the case. I mean sure my parents give me everything I need to the best of quality and they have handed me certian things that others would have to work for and earn- but there are also alot of things I have had to work for and earn.

I have never wanted to go to a public school but that is because I love my school and my friends.


Feb 28, 2008
Re: Public School vs. Private

cottonmouth said:
well....firstly... i can elaborate on this debate... as i have been to both a private and public high school during the last few years. I won't name any names (LOL!) but... there are many differences...

- The People -
*Depending on if your parents have the money or not... you will be judged on what type of car your parents have, where you live, what your parents do etc. There is a wide range of socioeconomic backgrounds at both public and private. For example, porsche driving parents at private and 1980 toyota corolla drivers at public schools. But on the other hand.. you can find either at public or private.
*Also... some people who have been brought up in the 'high' society seem to think they are better than everyone else. This is a fiery debate... suit yourselves.
*I have found that the use of drugs at private schools is much higher than at public schools... more money more able to source it? Or is it just accepted in private schools? Alcohol is also much more available.. parents who have the money.. and are willing to buy their year 10 children alcohol for them...
*More risk taking.. mummy and daddy can pay for your mistakes can't they? (Private)

- Facilities -
*At private schools.. facilities are wayyy better.. just because... if you've noticed... private schools have around 10 grand a year for students to attend. Whereas, at public schools.. some parents don't even pay the fees.
*Private schools have larger areas for sports... they can buy more land.
*No portables at private schools. And if they are.. they are only temporary..

- Teachers -
*You may find that at private schools.. the teachers are sourced from different areas.. for example.. at the private school i attended there was a teacher there who had taught at a school across the road from a jail.. most of the students there had a parent or sibling who was in the jail.. so they may have more 'social' experience
*Private school teachers are paid more.. therefore.. they may be more motivated
*Public school teachers may be unmotivated.. due to the government system of pay.. and the conditions that they have to work in

- Rules -
*Rules at private schools are much harder to break. For example, when wagging... your parents will receive a text message if you do not turn up to school... to check whether you are wagging...
*You can get expelled for smoking.. at private schools
*They can stalk you even after school hours... such as detention on saturday mornings from 10 til 12 (private)
*Compulsory sport after school.. taking up more of your time.. but they seem to think that you should compete... maybe also because of the obesity crisis
*In Public schools.. principals have much less power.. for example.. you can get away with much more.. smoking, stealing, punch ons, sex on school grounds, alcohol etc. Principals because they are bounded by the government.. have less power to kick you out of school... Whereas in private schools they must 'uphold' the reputation of the school

- The Actual Syllabus -
*You learn the same syllabus at either private or public schools.. even if you go to a shit school (public or private) you can still source other teaching methods outside of school.. e.g. tutoring.. actually going to the library.. etc.
*More work at private schools - homework..

Thats pretty much it... have a think...
Im not sure which public school you attended, but those are pretty broad generalisations.
While as a rule private school facilities and uniforms are better (higher fees, as you stated) and they have more power in punishing students out of school and enforcing extra curriculars, I would disagree with your statement about public school teachers being less motivated because of the pay system, and the enforcement of rules.

In my locality, I know for a fact the teachers at my public school are much better quality than those at the 3 other private schools. Teachers teach because they love it, because its their job. While money is important I doubt any of them would teach at a less than proffessional standard because theyre being paid less. Maybe because their facilities are in extreme cases limited and access to support limited.

As for the rules. I dont know about anywhere else, but at my school, if you were caught smoking, drinking, copulating, are involved in graffiti, bullying, violence or illegal activities, its an automatic suspension that will in 95% of cases lead to an expulsion depending on the circumstances.

As for the topic at hand;
Personal preference. Doesnt bother me if you're in the private system.


buff member
Sep 18, 2008
Re: Public School vs. Private

public selective, if i wasnt at one i'd prefer private though i think.
the lack of funding in the public system is a national embarrassment


Nov 16, 2007
Re: Public School vs. Private

I go to a private and its not heaps good, but its better than all the local public schools. In terms of facilities, we have heaps better sporting stuff, better textbooks, better library, smartboard in almost every room, but one problem, our school just blew its budget and have to cut back now.
I think the teachers are, on average, higher quality, but some public schools are the same.
My schools very strict compared to others too.
But you should get the same education wherever you go. Oh, compared to the local public schools, the kids at our school are brighter, like theres less trouble makers. But thats only in my area.
Hope i didn't sound too snobby :S


<3 Prophet 9
Jun 14, 2008
Re: Public School vs. Private

I agree with benn07, the facilities are much better and there are a significantly lower number of trouble makers although I sort of count myself as one ^^


Clockwork Army
Sep 4, 2008
Re: Public School vs. Private

Glad to see that this thread hasn't turned into an eletist monster (yet... Wait for Shore to find this thread).

It all depends on the school, and the students. Funding is an issue, but the distribution of school funds internally in each school can be blamed for the poverty experienced by some schools.
My school is a public school, but we have the best resources of the schools around this area. Our MPC (Multi-Purpose Centre) has lighting, audio and general Entertainment equipment to rival the local Civic Centre and even some venues in Tweed Heads. Other schools choose to hire out our school hall for their own productions over the town Civic Centre. To go with this hall, the Music, Drama and Entertainment staff are amazing. The Music teacher is a professional musician having played music all over the world. The Drama teacher has many years experience, having survived more than 100 musical productions and even lecturing and teaching at NIDA. There are two Entertainment teachers, one also being the Drama teacher, and the other being an Audio Engineer having done shows for Powderfinger, The Sydney Symphony Orchestra, The cat empire, Stevie Wonder and more. We have the best Music department of northern NSW public schools. We have two stages to perform on, one in the music block and the MPC. At least one of each instrument in the conventional Orchestra, three upright piano's and one baby grand (full size can't be stored on stage, lol), and at least 40 electric keyboards. 30 accoustic guitars... The list goes on. We have enough computers for at least half of the student body (700+) to be able to work on two at a time (yes, modern computers, and both Windows and Mac). Aircon in 5 of the 8 buildings, soon to be all buildings. We even have an industry-sized Airconditioner unit on the roof of the MPC.
And all of this on the standard Public school government allowance, and student fees where none of which exeed $70 at the most (photography, hehe).

In the case of Public School poverty, some schools may be going under because of poor administration and money handling.


New Member
Nov 9, 2007
summer hill
Re: Public School vs. Private

theres a lot of reasons why my parents paid $25k a year
- better qualified teachers
- more facilities
- better disciplinary system
- they make you work harder
- they have higher uai averages
- sport is compulsory for summer and winter season so less fatties

but who cares

cuz im out now :D

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