to those who joined a selective school in year 11 through HAST, how did you prepare for the exam? what are some free (or cheap) methods i can do to study / take a look into what HAST may be like this year?
in addition, are there any selective schools that have other methods to join in year 11 that aren't through HAST or edutest? if so, please let me know.
Okay so hast yk has abstract reasoning, maths + science, reading and writing
Abstract reasoning is easy. the only reason people get so bad is because its so easy (so like mistakes or literally one answer wrong will drop ur percentile down by a lot). Literally just doing like 10-20 questions a day for like 2 weeks will get u more than prepared. I recommend UCAT, although they are significantly harder and the style of their questions are different than the ones in HAST. Also, just searching up abstract reasonign questions online and doing those helps a lot. Write questions that you dont know down, and remember them. All abstract reasoning questions bascially follow a pattern of like size, colour, shape, number etc etc (SCANS). DONT stress on AR.
I know a lot of people say reading is the hardest (although this was my best performing one). Familiarise yourself with texts. Do year 6 selective school reading exams
. ICAS READING COMPREHENSION!!!!!!!! Start reading books.
BROADEN YOUR VOCABULARY!! Sometimes they'll ask u questions on like 'what is this text's tone' and then they present 4 complex words. its basically a guessing game if u dont know the meaning of them.
I found writing the hardest, because i did not practice writing. PLS PRACTICE WRITING. They will not force you to write a persuasive or discursive or imaginative, you will almost always have free choice on the style you write. SO PLS PRACTICE. When i did it, they gave me like a sentence, idk if they give you like amn image as a stimulus (pls lmk). Literally to practice this, just get a stimulus generator and write for 20 minutes. Then ask people for feedback. Easy. Refine to the feedback and you'll be fine. (
BROADEN YOUR VOCAB I CANT STRESS THIS ENOUGH). Also read more. If you read more, you'll start to know how to write good and emulate techniques in books you've read into your own writing.
Math is math. Its like harder selective school math. I think icas has pretty good questions that are somewhat similar to hast. i genuinely dont remember what science questions were in it. I think there were circuit questions. U cant really practice for math in this case.
anyways i hope anyone reading this found this useful. i was writing this instead of studying

. goodluck everyone
I got top15th percentile in 2023. i have a google drive that helped me. It has pretty hard abstract reasoning questions, 3 sample hast/acer/selective school entrance practice papers and a year 10 maths icas booklet. (theres other stuff on it that can help you too). I can sell the google drive to you for $20