Yeh my school didnt do this experiment
but generally i think they want some sort of observation under a magnifying glass looking for fungal growth, black spots and bite marks.
just out of curiosity how many hours does it take for you guys to do one whole paper? It takes me like 5-6 hours and cant seem to get past question 5 without looking at answers....
also Ive been told that Just by doing well up to Question 7 is a low band 6(or E4 or whatever) does this mean i...
I think the best thing to do is to do as much as u can in 2/3 hours and take a little break. Than repeat ALL day but still get ATLEAST 7 hours sleep and eat properly. I find that i cant concentrate and nothing sticks if i study with an empty stomach or if im tired.
With design an experiment questions whats the best way to set it out???
like Aim, than equipment method etc.
or just describe what u can do....
also do u have to list the dependent and independent variables + risk factors??
heres an example: A type of plant which grows in tasmania drops it...
Just wondering When writing your personal statement for your scholarship applications
is it better writing in essay format or in list form??
If any 1 wants to share their personal statement it would be most helpful =]