modern history

  1. moonbow

    ok mark, bad rank

    i got my modern history assessment 1 back (weighted 30%), somehow misunderstood the question and got a 84% - i think im second last within a cohort of ~25 at a top 100 school . i dont understand much about the system of scaling, internals etc but roughly how bad is this if im aiming for a 90s...
  2. J

    Bad mark in hsc exam good rank

    Hey! So I’ve just done my modern exam and I know I performed badly as in pretty bad I am predicting a 72 raw mark. My internal rank is 3rd and I was 1% away from second place and 3% from first place. My cohort is okay we do have a few high performers but only about 5/30. I was wondering how my...
  3. G

    Modern History Power and Authority Survey

    Just wondering, How many treaties do you need to know?
  4. H

    James Ruse graduate selling CHEAP school and tutoring resources (math, eng, chem, modern history, music; year 10-12)

    Math: Year 9-10 Ngo and Sons homework sets. Have it all for $10. I have notes too for free if you want Year 12 HSC Math private tutor notes and problem sets (3 folders of problems and hand written notes across a few books) buy all for $20 Year 12 HSC Ext 1 Math Dr. Du homework booklets, DONE IN...
  5. D

    What study tips do you have for Ancient/Modern History, Advanced English/Maths?

    Hello! I've been mainly been hitting the high band 5~ish mark, but not quite getting into band 6 for Ancient and Modern History as well as Advanced English, so if you have any particular advice about what really gets you into those top bands, please do leave a comment <3 Also, any names of...
  6. Y

    Help with Russia & The Soviet Union Essay

    Hey guys, I was wondering if anyone is willing to read an essay I have written for the following question: Account for Stalin’s emergence as leader of the USSR by the late 1920s? I would just like some feedback about the things I did well and what I could improve on. If someone replies and is...
  7. moonbow

    subject help pls (mostly worried ab scaling)

    hello :D this is my first post so im not sure if im doing this right anyways my current subjects r english advanced, maths standard, economics, legal studies, korean beginners n modern history. im aiming for an atar of definitely 90+ and it wld b amazing if i cld get 95+ but idk if itll b rly...
  8. iceecrream

    Modern history, legal studies, business studies or biology?

    Modern history, legal studies, business studies or biology? I'm going into Year 11 this year and I'm going to be doing Extension English, Extension Math, Chemistry and Physics but I need another subject to make it 12 units altogether as it is required by the school. I'm much better at applying...
  9. Modern4DaBois

    The Value of a Source

    Yo anyone got any tips for assessing the value of a source (so usefulness / reliability / limitations)? Help would be much appreciated!
  10. Modern4DaBois

    Does anyone have notes about the political transformation of Russia under Stalin?

    Sup, I have an assignment about the political transformation of Russia under Stalin, and I've chosen to focus on propaganda and show trials. Can anyone pls help with notes about how Stalin transformed Russian politics for his benefit, and how he used propaganda and show trials to eliminate...
  11. A

    Indochina HSC 2018 question

    How would i answer this question, "How significant were anti-war movements to the US withdrawal from the Second Indochina War?" I also do Ancient History and if these types of questions popped up, i would've added other factors that i think was important to US withdrawal, so for this question i...
  12. A

    Do we need to know the survey for national studies and peace and conflict?

    Since the national studies and peace and conflict is 25 marks, i don't think they would ask questions based on the survey but do i still need to know it to relate it to other syllabus dot points? Like, for national studies, i'm doing USA, and part of the survey is the impact of the Depression...
  13. C

    Dropping Subjects

    I currently have 13 units and I don't think my school allows 13 units + I don't know if I can even handle it. I was thinking of dropping either history extension (which I just picked up), SOR, or Maths Extension 1. I don't know if I can handle history extension in all honesty it seems extremely...
  14. S

    Selling Band 6 Modern History Notes

    Hi, I am selling notes for two Modern History modules. The notes are well-formatted, concise, and feature a number of effective essay scaffolds. $10 for both Power and Authority (12 pages) + Conflict in Europe (18 pages). The two modules complement each other well and were my largest focus...
  15. C

    Notes or Practice Responses for Nuclear Age

    Hi, does anyone happen to have any notes or practice responses for the topic, Nuclear Age? Kinda struggling with the topic atm 😅
  16. yx0302n

    Year 11 Subject Selection

    Hello, I'm struggling to decide on my last two units for next year. So far, I have: 2 English 3 Maths 2 Biology 2 Chemistry 2 Physics and am unsure what to pick for my last two. I have an idea of either Economics, Modern History or PDHPE. I want to achieve the highest ATAR possible and do well...
  17. G

    Modern Exam Section II & III - Essay Scaffolds

    Hi. My National Study is Russia, and my Peace and Conflict study is Indochina. After looking through some previous HSC exams, I found that there are realistically only a few different questions from different parts of the syllabus, which are worded differently/have different focuses from year...
  18. C

    History Essay

    My current modern history task is, “How significant was the war in the air in shaping the course of the European war?” I recognise that this question is fairly straight forward, however, I believe I'm overthinking what to include in my essay. For this part of the syllabus (the air war and its...
  19. justbellaforshort

    Can you do Ancient, Modern and Extension in Year 12?

    I'm looking at swapping Extension English out for Extension History, however I keep seeing "need a co-requisite of Ancient or Modern". So, would I need to discontinue my studies in one of those? Am already doing Ancient and Modern, but would I have to drop one to do Extension next year? Thanks...
  20. C

    Ancient History or Physics? DROPPING SUBJECTS!! help!!

    Currently i’m doing physics but for the longest time (during the holidays) I wanted to just do chemistry and drop physics for another subject. However, so many people seem to do two sciences and seem to love physics. So I don’t know whether it was because my tutor taught me badly, so should i...