azzie instead of going back every 2 years wasting money on flights etc.........why dont u go back there and stay there.......and take ur relatives with u.
Ok, im exagerating that all immmigrants are scum...........
But seriously................certain culutures/religions etc...........if i was in charge..............i would stop them entering the country..........because seriously they bring so many problems etc and very little beneefit.
The atttitude of proper australians is totally differnet to immigratns............ Thats what shits me..that these ppple dont have enufff manners to fit in and act like the rest of us....
Especially all the religious bull shit that i mentioned previouisly..that shits me big time.
im all for immigtration..if you want to come here and be a productive law abiding australian...who endevours to be included in our mainstream australian society...thats coool.
but most immigrants have the wrong attitude and should be deported...
especialy middle eastern refugees etc...........some of them could be terrorist sleeepers etc....
the thing about whites commiting crimes...........sure thats not goood...................but...its our home here.... so its not as bad......... what pisses me offf is immigratns aka guests in our country...commmiting crimes...............there fucking scum................ and besides im prety sure that many of those immigrant minority groups..have a greater proportional representation in jails.......
Fucking immigrants........
and btw i dont have a temper etc

im a peaceful kind of guy but immmigrants and their rudenesss and uncivilised way of life shits me offff.