I had Thursday 1 exam 3 hours. Friday the next day 2 exams 4 hours together. Then the monday after weekeend. And with an assignment somewhere in between.
I've got a spare unused one.
Exactly the same as this (same colour): http://cgi.ebay.com.au/UNISEX-ADULTS-NIKE-YOGA-MAT-LADIES_W0QQitemZ160040971572QQihZ006QQcategoryZ310QQssPageNameZWD2VQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem
I'm finding this thread quite interesting. Mainly due to the consistancy and effort to...
I've got a 350D too :D Great camera.
If your interested in entering a photo competition to win weekly prizes and a $25k trip then enter here (I actually won $50 for registering; w00t):
And while your at it VOTE FOR ME...
Our uni has a darkroom.
And I'm now Vice President of the UNSW PhotoClub (though I prefer JUNIOR VP) and the idea to have a cross-campus-slash-social-gathering (something similar to the Trivia night coming up for Film society) came up again. So I'm sure we can organise something.
Still not easy.
Quite a few people failed the midsemester test for physiology.
"Proper" science would always be hard due to the large amount of content you have to study and remember. Then you've got the long hours on top of that.
Lol a bit of fun man.
But jealous ? (oh wait.... you do law; NOW i see where its coming from :rofl:)
people who deride students simply because they deride law students simply for being law students are often just......well you get the rest
Growing up is screwed.