Hello everyone!
Just thought I would post up the video skits I made. These are the videos that played on the projection screen in between scene changes. They were all filmed/edited by me, except for IntelliPod which I wrote/directed/edited and my good friend Jun filmed (HD!!!)
So enjoy this...
No, don't worry, this isn't a post by the PR department doing a survey or something. I'm just curious (as a media student, and one interest in advertising) how would you promote Macquarie in the media?
Have fun, doesn't have to be serious: this is my attempt
I'm sure you've seen the news - third year MQ student bashed a taxi driver to death.
I heard they are diving in the lake etc looking for the body/clues - anyone seen anything?
Most of you are still doing exams, hoping to graduate soon - don't worry, it's not as exciting as it seems when the following happens:::
Enjoy :p
It's old, but with eStudent and journals crashing all the time, I thought this article was quite ironic
If only they had the bandwidth to cope with us *shakes heads*
That was great! meeting everyone
although - the mini brown square things looked scary - everyone kept spitting them out - poor souls.
The mini-hamburgers and sausage rolls made me night
oh yeah, the awards were cool too
I'm sure asylum will have a critical food review at some point
Something tells me this years MacWorld is going to be quite interesting - less than a week to go.
I bet they will redesign the Apple website to match the new features of Leopard (illumenscience or something - lol)
The iPhone seems a bit rogue
iTV (or it's real name) should be a hit - who...
Just started referencing my culture essay as I usually do.
Essay - has end notes
end notes are structred as follows:
Homas Csordas, Embodiment and Experience (New York: Cambridge University Press, 1994), p. 118.
and when mentioned again:
Csorda, p. 27.
etc etc etc - but what is...
Final essays or an exam
For me: final essays have their pros cause you can plan them out, research and think about them - but then they go on for ages and are a pain and tedious
final exams however, only last a few hours, then they are over HOWEVER you only have a few hours in which to be...
Does anyone have any idea who it was?
On Wednesday morning, someone jumped off the roof top carpark and hit the ground floor exit road, dying. Apprently there were police/forensics etc everywhere, even a helicopter. The jump happened from the alternative Loft entrance (the escalators next to...
For our MUS102 presentation, my study partner and I made up a boy band, Triad. We filmed a music video and put it online to see how many hits it could get as a viral download. Tell all your friends to check out the hottest new group on the boy band circuit hehe... It was uploaded Monday...
What are you all doing in the two week 'study' *cough* break?
For me, hang out sometimes, work on my presentations + media essay and eat copious amounts of foooooooood
As promised a few weeks back in 'I kicked someones crap off a table,' here is my short Today|tonight style doco on the situation :) I have also posted the other videos from the law revue which I made, in good quality 16:9 widescreen - Just click on Download > QuickTime (located under the flash...
Who else got stuck in the extremely heavy peak tonight? I left uni at 6.00 got home at 7.40 (notmally takes 10 - 15 minutes on a good day) - How long did it take you guys?
Turns out there was a fatal crash up the street from where I live, and they closed Pennant Hills road for an investigation...
So far so good -
MAS105 was good - course sounds pretty interesting however the lecture hall was kind of - disruptive :S
MUS102 - the guy liked to swear a lot, called 50Cent a wanker and scared the hell out of me when i first saw him
what is everyone elses impressions of their new...
This may seem a bit morbid, a bit macarbe (and other fancy words meaning death like) but, if you were threatened with death - would you exclaim/scream in english, or your first language (if you speak more than one)
I guess English for me cause it is my native language - but it is a...
because I couldn't help laughing at this thread (ie haha i never have to do it again)